[Haskell-beginners] Easier alternatives to existential types?
Felipe Lessa
felipe.lessa at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 22:41:40 EST 2009
On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 06:37:57AM +0400, Emile Melnicov wrote:
> I'm trying to write RIFF parser and can't decide what to do with
> "container" type. "Container" chunk should hold a header (two
> Word32's), a "type" (Word32 like "WAVE" etc) and a "list" of other chunks.
> Of course lists can't be used because we have far more than one chunk
> types. What can I do with this?
data Header = H {fieldAbc :: Word32
,filedXyz :: Word32}
data Type = AU | WAVE | ...
data ContainerChunk = Chunk Header Type [ContainerChunk]
Well, yes, I know that almost certanly that was not what you were
thinking when you wrote the question. The code above is how I
interpreted your question. I'm writing it so that you can
clarify the question if the others don't understand as well.
Maybe, something like this?
data WaveChunk = Wave {...}
data AuChunk = Au {...}
data Container = ...any chunk above...
doSomethingWillAllThoseFiles :: [Container] -> IO ()
You may want to keep it simple and just use
data Container = TypeWave WaveChunk
| TypeAu AuChunk
If you really want existentials, though, I'd recommend using GADT
syntax as in
class Chunk c where
instance Chunk WaveChunk where ...
instance Chunk AuChunk where ...
data Container where
AudioChunk :: Chunk c => c -> Container
x,y :: Container
x = AudioChunk (Wave {...})
y = AudioChunk (Au {...})
f :: Chunk c => c -> IO ()
f = ...
g :: Container -> IO ()
g (AudioChunk c) = f c
-- pattern match brings (Chunk c) into context.
Note that 'c' above doesn't appear in the type of the Container.
This roughly means that it will be existentially qualified.
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