[Haskell-beginners] Type classes and synonyms

Stephen Tetley stephen.tetley at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 06:31:05 EST 2009

2009/11/22 Isaac Dupree <ml at isaac.cedarswampstudios.org>:
> Sorry to take offense :-) maybe I was being too modest?
>  It seems Arrows are a necessary abstraction for a couple very particular
> world-views/paradigms, and don't fit very well with a lot of other stuff.

Hello All

I wouldn't go quite as far as saying Arrows are misfits, but in
Isaac's defence, if all you have are pure functions, then arrows are
just a wee bit, erm, boring.

In Philip's original message he happened to be representing his data
as a pair, so second worked fine as a projection/application function,

*Arrows> second (\x -> "fish") (10,20)

But of course it doesn't work as a projection/application function for
triples (sorry I lack a better term for projection/application):

*Arrows> second (\x -> "chips") (10,20,30)

    Couldn't match expected type `(t, t1, t2)'
           against inferred type `(d, b)'
    In the expression: second (\ x -> "chips") (10, 20, 30)
    In the definition of `it':
        it = second (\ x -> "chips") (10, 20, 30)

Nor would it work if Philip had defined his own data type.

Also for pure functions the derived operators (>>^) and (^>>) become
(.), and (<<^) & (^<<) are become reverse composition - which was
sometimes called (##) but now seems categorized as (<<<) .

The code below is a bit superfluous to the discussion, but it does
define the arrow operations for pure functions with the type
constructor simplified to (->), I occasionally do the Arrow
combinators longhand when I can't remember which Arrow combinator does

Best wishes


> module ArrowLonghand where

> import Control.Arrow

arr :: (b -> c) -> a b c
fun_arr :: a b c -> (b -> c) where a = (->)

> fun_arr :: (b -> c) -> (b -> c)
> fun_arr f = f

arr's definition is clearly identity, but specialized to functions

> alt_fun_arr :: (b -> c) -> (b -> c)
> alt_fun_arr = id

first :: a b c -> a (b, d) (c, d)
fun_first :: a b c -> a (b,d) (c,d) where a = (->)

> fun_first :: (b -> c) -> (b,d) -> (c,d)
> fun_first f (x,y) = (f x, y)

second :: a b c -> a (d, b) (d, c)
fun_second :: a b c -> a (d,b) (d,c) where a = (->)

> fun_second :: (b -> c) -> (d,b) -> (d,c)
> fun_second f (x,y) = (x, f y)

(***) :: a b c -> a b' c' -> a (b, b') (c, c')
fun_starstarstar :: a b c -> a b' c' -> a (b,b') (c,c') where a = (->)

> fun_starstarstar :: (b -> c) -> (b' -> c') -> (b,b') -> (c,c')
> fun_starstarstar f g (x,y) = (f x, g y)

Funnily enough, (***) is not unlike prod from Jeremy Gibbons
'Pair Calculus':

> prod :: (b -> c) -> (b' -> c') -> (b,b') -> (c,c')
> prod f g = fork (f . fst, g . snd)

(&&&) :: a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c, c')
fun_ampampamp :: a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c,c') where a = (->)

> fun_ampampamp :: (b -> c) -> (b -> c') -> b -> (c,c')
> fun_ampampamp f g x = (f x, g x)

Funnily enough, (&&&) is not unlike fork from the Pair Calculus...

> fork :: (b -> c, b -> c') -> b -> (c,c')
> fork (f,g) a = (f a, g a)

> pair_first :: (b -> c) -> (b,d) -> (c,d)
> pair_first f = f `prod` id

> pair_second :: (b -> c) -> (d,b) -> (d,c)
> pair_second g = id `prod` g


(^>>) :: Arrow a => (b -> c) -> a c d -> a b d

> preCompLR :: (b -> c) -> (c -> d) -> (b -> d)
> preCompLR f g = \x -> g (f x)

(>>^) :: Arrow a => a b c -> (c -> d) -> a b d

> postCompLR :: (b -> c) -> (c -> d) -> (b -> d)
> postCompLR f g = \x -> g (f x)

(^>>) and (>>^) are the same for functions.

-- reverse

(<<^) :: Arrow a => a c d -> (b -> c) -> a b d

> preCompRL :: (c -> d) -> (b -> c) -> (b -> d)
> preCompRL f g = \x -> f (g x)

(^<<) :: Arrow a => (c -> d) -> a b c -> a b d

> postCompRL :: (c -> d) -> (b -> c) -> (b -> d)
> postCompRL f g = \x -> f (g x)

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