[Haskell-beginners] Re: dependent types
briqueabraque at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 20 16:46:14 EDT 2009
> The intended semantics are:
> Two objects are equal if they have the same name.
> The type of the name depends on the type of the object
> 3) How would I write an instance of Named that implements the name
> function correctly.
I think (but someone with better knowledge) the term "dependent
type" means something else:
I'm sure you'll be interested in type families, which offer a
better and richer syntax to what you want:
I tried rewriting your example using ghc-6.8.2 but I wasn't
able to build it, and since ghc-6.8.* isn't actually supposed
to properly support type families I though I could give you a
bad example even if I get it to build :) So I'm leaving it here
just in case someone wants to use it as a base:
module Main (main) where
data (Eq a) => Object a = Object a
class (Eq (NameType o)) => Named o where
type NameType o :: *
name :: o -> NameType o
equals :: o -> o -> Bool
equals o1 o2 = (name o1) == (name o2)
instance (Named a) => Eq a where
(==) = equals
instance Named (Object Integer) where
type NameType (Object Integer) = Integer
name (Object i) = i
f,g :: Object Integer
f = Object 1
g = Object 2
main = putStrLn $ show $ f == g
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