[Haskell-beginners] dependent types

pat browne Patrick.Browne at comp.dit.ie
Mon Jul 20 12:50:53 EDT 2009

{- Hi,
Consider the following Haskell data, class and instance definitions
The intended semantics are:
    Two objects are equal if they have the same name.
    The type of the name depends on the type of the object

data Object a  = Object a

class Named o n | o -> n where
            name :: o  -> n

instance (Eq n, Named o n) => Eq o where
                o1 == o2 = name(o1) == name(o2)
I have three questions about these definitions.
1) Does the above code capture the intended meaning?
2) Does   Object a  *fit* the Named class?,
   or do I need a different sort of Object?
3) How would I write an instance of Named that implements the name
function correctly. Thomson[1] shows how to do this for non-dependent types

[1]Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming, Second Edition, Page 272

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