[Haskell-beginners] a better way to do this
Michael P Mossey
mpm at alumni.caltech.edu
Wed Apr 8 12:24:52 EDT 2009
This is an early attempt to create some kind of parser, for text that is
xml-like but not actually xml. This is probably a disaster by Haskell
standards... If someone could point me in the direction of a better way of doing
things, that would be great. I don't want to use the existing parser library,
not at first, because I want to learn more from first principles (for now).
The input looks something like:
<field1> thingy </field1>
<field2> other thingy </field2>
where there are any number of entries. Each entry consists of a varied number of
named fields. For now, the named fields can be anything--any names, in any
order. Later I'll do sanity checking to ensure the right fields are there, to
provide default values, etc.
This uses Data.Bytestring.Char8 for efficiency processing large files.
The output types are as follows:
type Bs = B.ByteString -- alias
type Component = ( Bs, Bs ) -- one named field
type Entry = [ Component ] -- all named fields in one entry
type Doc = [ Entry ] -- all entries in the input document
The basic strategy is to create parsing functions, which take in a string
(actually ByteString), and return an object, the remainder of the string, and an
index. (The index indicates the position of the first character in the remainder
of the string, which is useful for giving error messages.)
Top level function is called parseReqs ( "parse requirements" -- this is
actually going to be used for a software requirements management project).
Here's the rest of the code:
-- types for regular expression matching
type Re3 = ( Bs, Bs, Bs )
type Re4 = ( Bs, Bs, Bs, [ Bs ] )
parseReqs :: Bs -> ( Doc, Bs, Int )
parseReqs buf = parseReqs' buf 0
parseReqs' :: Bs -> Int -> ( Doc, Bs, Int )
parseReqs' buf idx
| B.null buf = ( [], buf, idx )
| otherwise = case parseEntry buf idx of
(Just e, rem, remIdx) ->
let ( doc, rem', remIdx' ) = parseReqs' rem remIdx
in ( e : doc, rem', remIdx' )
(Nothing, rem, remIdx ) -> ( [], rem, remIdx )
parseEntry :: Bs -> Int -> ( Maybe Entry, Bs, Int )
parseEntry buf idx =
let ( before, match, after ) = buf =~ "<entry>" :: Re3
idx' = idx + B.length before + B.length match
in if B.null match
then ( Nothing, after, idx' )
else let ( e, after', idx'' ) = parseEntryBody after idx'
in ( Just e, after', idx'' )
parseEntryBody :: Bs -> Int -> ( Entry, Bs, Int )
parseEntryBody buf idx =
let ( before, match, after ) = buf =~ "</entry>" :: Re3
idx' = idx + B.length before + B.length match
in if B.null match
then error "Missing </entry>"
-- Note: index passed to parseEntryComponents is same as one passed
-- into this function, because we pass 'before' to
-- parseEntryComponents. Index returned from from this function is
-- the one calculated above to occur at the start of 'after'
( parseEntryComponents before idx, after, idx' )
parseEntryComponents :: Bs -> Int -> Entry
parseEntryComponents buf idx =
let ( before, match, after, groups ) = buf =~ B.pack "<([^>]+)>" :: Re4
idx' = idx + B.length before + B.length match
in if B.null match
then []
let ( component, buf', idx'' ) =
parseCompBody (head groups) after idx'
components = parseEntryComponents buf' idx''
in component : components
parseCompBody :: Bs -> Bs -> Int -> ( Component, Bs, Int )
parseCompBody compName buf idx =
let ( before, match, after ) = buf =~
(B.pack "</" `mappend` compName `mappend` B.pack ">") :: Re3
idx' = idx + B.length before + B.length match
in if B.null match
then error ("No ending to component " ++ B.unpack compName)
else ( ( compName, before ), after, idx' )
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