[Haskell-begin] Morphing Endo (ICFP Contest 2007)
Rafael Gustavo da Cunha Pereira Pinto
rafaelgcpp at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 22:45:44 EDT 2008
Still on the ICFPC 2007 topic
I am curious about one thing. If I read the file applying hGetContents to a
ByteString (Lazy or Strict) or a String, it seems to read much faster than
the version where I construct a sequence.
main = do
hIn <- openFile arg1 ReadMode
c <-BL.hGetContents hIn --Really Fast
let dna = c
r<-return (process dna)
print (show (r))
main = do
hIn <- openFile arg1 ReadMode
c <-hGetContents hIn
let dna = fromList c --Kind of slow
r<-return (process dna)
print (show (r))
I think the "fromList" overhead will be compensated by the O(log(n))
functions on a Seq, against the O(n) counterparts on the strings.
What are your considerations about using Data.Sequence?
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