[arch-haskell] ghc-vis

stef204 stef204 at yandex.com
Thu Oct 15 17:23:58 UTC 2015

15.10.2015, 04:26, "Magnus Therning" <magnus at therning.org>:

>>  How would I go about building the Arch package before installing
>>  it...?
> 1. clone <https://github.com/archhaskell/habs/>
> 2. install `cblrepo` from [haskell-core]
> 3. run `cblrepo sync`
> 4. move into the `habs` repo and run `cblrepo add <pkg,ver> ...` to add
>    packages (one or many at once)
> 5. run `cblrepo pkgbuild <pkgs>` to generate source packages for the
>    packages you added
> 6. build all packages, in order (you can use `cblrepo build` to generate
>    a good build order)
> 7. install your new packages
>>  > I've lately had a closer look at `stack` (available in
>>  > [haskell-core] as `haskell-stack-bin`) and if ghc-vis produces one
>>  > or more binaries (i.e. no libs that you are interested in) then it
>>  > might be a good way to build it.
>>  >
>>  Can you please explain in more detail what you mean by that exactly?
>>  How would I go about it?
>>  1) pacman -S haskell-stack-bin
>>  2) then? How do I find out if "ghc-vis produces one or more binaries"?
> I'd start with `stack unpack ghc-vis`, then `stack init --resolver
> ghc-7.8` and see where that leads.

Thanks Magnus, much appreciated.
I have installed cblrepo, have read <https://github.com/magthe/cblrepo> and will run through the above steps, 
Hope you don't mind if I follow-up on this thread if I run into problems I cannot solve with cblrepo.
Thanks again.

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