[arch-haskell] Layout of ABS tree for Haskell packages?

Rémy Oudompheng remyoudompheng at gmail.com
Sat Oct 12 07:37:13 UTC 2013

On 2010/10/20 Xyne <xyne at archlinux.ca> wrote:
> Just to be clear, this is not what I meant by "the translation table of Hackage
> names to Arch names", but this is part of the general metadata I mean in
> general. What I had in mind at the time was the HackageDB -> Arch name
> translation table.
> Basically all metadata that may change should be available in simple
> parsable formats via (logically organized) direct links and maybe even as
> an archive containing all such metadata files.

In this case, we should switch our main repository to use a single
plain text file (e.g. PKGLIST) used by the manycabal2arch program, or
by a Makefile rule, to generate the habs repository. The PKGLIST file
would be fed to some script that generates the table you're referring
to and uploaded to a/the website as I think it was before we became
the team.


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