[arch-haskell] arch-haskell @ aur.archlinux.org (was: Handover)

Peter Simons simons at cryp.to
Sat Oct 12 07:36:47 UTC 2013

Hi Magnus,

according to Don you have received the password for the arch-haskell
account on AUR. I was wondering how you plan to use that account? Are
you going to share the password with others?

In any case, I notice that the e-mail address for the user points to
this list now, which is a good idea, IMHO. Are we sure that e-mails
directed to that list are actually being posted here? In the past, it
seemed that this list is closed, i.e. only subscribers can post. How
does that work when AUR is trying to send us e-mail, such as when a
package has been flagged out of date?

Take care,

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