[arch-haskell] Installing Leksah

Eric Velten de Melo ericvmelo at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 14:37:22 CET 2012

I'm having an awful time trying to install Leksah in Arch. I tried
other times before, I never suceeded.

When trying with cabal, eventually I figured I had to install gtk2hs-buildtools.
'cabal install gtk2hs-buildtools' gives an error like this:

[ 7 of 41] Compiling C2HSConfig       ( c2hs/toplevel/C2HSConfig.hs,
dist/build/gtk2hsC2hs/gtk2hsC2hs-tmp/C2HSConfig.o )

    Unacceptable result type in foreign declaration: CInt
    When checking declaration:
      foreign import ccall safe "static bitfield_direction" bitfield_direction
        :: CInt

Installing from the AUR, after ignoring some upper bound dependencies,
I eventually came to the same kind of problem compiling haskell-gio:

[ 2 of 24] Compiling System.GIO.Types (
dist/build/System/GIO/Types.hs, dist/build/System/GIO/Types.o )

    Unacceptable result type in foreign declaration: CULong
    When checking declaration:
      foreign import ccall unsafe "static g_output_stream_get_type"
        :: CULong

Is there a sane way to install it without going through all this trouble?



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