[arch-haskell] Documentation in binary packages?

Magnus Therning magnus at therning.org
Sun Apr 18 08:12:39 EDT 2010

On 17/04/10 21:26, Don Stewart wrote:
> magnus:
>> I notice that haddock documentation isn't built into binary packages
>> (haskell-dataenc, haskell-network, etc), while it is shipped with GHC
>> itself.  Furthermore, all packages built from AUR will include haddock
>> documentation by default.
>> Is there any reason for *not* shipping haddock documentation with all
>> pre-built packages?
>> At the moment this is causing me grief because haskell mode for vim
>> relies on local documentation for features like "add import statement
>> for identifier under the cursor", and with the current situation it
>> will only find identifiers in GHC and AUR-built packages.
> I think all our packages should ship with documentation (they should be of
> the form generated by cabal2arch, effectively)

I agree.  So, is there a way of filing identical bugs against a large-ish
number of packages in Arch?


Magnus Therning                        (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus@therning.org          Jabber: magnus@therning.org
http://therning.org/magnus         identi.ca|twitter: magthe

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