darcs patch: Implementation of aton and ntoa outside ... (and 1 more)

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at gmail.com
Tue Nov 14 05:52:07 EST 2006

Robert: would you like to resubmit this suggestion using the new submission 
guidelines for library additions?



Robert Marlow wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-09-29 at 13:19 +0100, Simon Marlow wrote:
>>inet_ntoa() uses a static buffer, so it isn't threadsafe.  So while the current 
>>IO version is already broken, putting unsafePerformIO around it makes the 
>>problem more likely to manifest, and harder to avoid.  We really need to do this 
>>in Haskell code, I think.
> I've attached a new revision of the earlier Data.Byte module I sent to
> this list.
> I've taken Bulat's suggestion on making flipEndian more efficient and
> extended it so it should work with all word sizes as well as signed
> types such as Ints.
> The file also includes purely functional versions of aton and ntoa,
> though a module named Data.Byte is the wrong place for them.
> One problem is that aton and ntoa currently only work with ipv4
> addresses. There should probably be versions for ipv6 and any others.
> This doesn't seem to be a problem the current inet_addr and inet_ntoa
> don't suffer from though.
> A lot of the functions don't work with Integers due to a use of bitSize.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> module Data.Byte
>     ( ByteOrder (..)
>     , hostByteOrder
>     , networkByteOrder
>     , changeByteOrder
>     , hton
>     , ntoh
>     , byteShow
>     , byteRead
>     , word8ToChar
>     , charToWord8
>     , showBits
>     , logShift
>     , logShiftL
>     , logShiftR
>     , flipEndian
>     , word8Split
>     , word8Concat
>     , aton
>     , ntoa )
>     where
> import Control.Exception
> import Data.Bits
> import Data.Char
> import Data.List
> import Data.Word
> import Network.Socket
> import System.Info
> import System.IO.Unsafe
> import Foreign.Marshal.Utils ( with )
> import Foreign.Storable ( peekByteOff )
> import Text.Regex
> data ByteOrder = BigEndian | LittleEndian
>                  deriving ( Eq, Show, Read )
> hostByteOrder :: ByteOrder
> hostByteOrder = let test = (word8Concat [1,2]) :: Word16
>                     answer = (unsafePerformIO $ with test firstByte) :: Word8 in
>                 case answer of
>                   1 -> LittleEndian
>                   2 -> BigEndian
>                   otherwise -> throw $ ErrorCall $ "Unexpected result when checking byte order"
>     where firstByte = (flip peekByteOff) 0
> networkByteOrder :: ByteOrder
> networkByteOrder = BigEndian
> changeByteOrder :: (Bits a, Integral a) => ByteOrder -> ByteOrder -> a -> a
> changeByteOrder bo1 bo2 x = if bo1 == bo2
>                             then x
>                             else flipEndian x
> -- |Host to Network byteorder
> hton :: (Bits a, Integral a) => a -> a
> hton = changeByteOrder hostByteOrder networkByteOrder 
> -- |Network to Host byteorder
> ntoh :: (Bits a, Integral a) => a -> a
> ntoh = hton
> -- |Converts the argument to a string representing the bytes in the 
> -- argument
> byteShow :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> String
> byteShow = (map word8ToChar) . word8Split
> -- |Reads a string of bytes. Reads only as many bytes as are needed
> -- to represent the resulting type. Does not work with Integers
> byteRead :: (Bits a, Integral a) => String -> a
> byteRead = word8Concat . (map charToWord8)
> word8ToChar :: Word8 -> Char
> word8ToChar = chr . fromEnum
> charToWord8 :: Char -> Word8
> charToWord8 = toEnum . ord
> -- |Returns a string representing the bits of the argument.
> -- Does not work with Integers
> showBits :: Bits a => a -> String
> showBits x = showBits' ((bitSize x) -1) x
>     where showBits' i x | i < 0 = ""
>                         | testBit x i = '1' : showBits' (i-1) x
>                         | otherwise = '0' : showBits' (i-1) x
> -- |Reverses the endianness of the argument. Does not work
> -- with Integers
> flipEndian :: Bits a => a -> a
> flipEndian x = bwOr $ zipWith logShift bytes shiftLengths
>     where bytes = map (x .&.) $ map (shift 255) [0,8..sz-8]
>           shiftLengths = [sz-8,sz-24..(negate sz)+8]
>           sz = bitSize x
> -- flipEndian = word8Concat . reverse . word8Split
> bwOr :: Bits a => [a] -> a
> bwOr = foldr (.|.) 0
> -- |Logical shift version of the shift operator. Does not work with
> -- Integers
> logShift :: Bits a => a -> Int -> a
> logShift x i | i >= 0 = logShiftL x i
>              | otherwise = logShiftR x i
> -- |Logical shift version of the shiftR operator. Does not work with
> -- Integers
> logShiftR :: Bits a => a -> Int -> a
> logShiftR x i | isSigned x = clearBits (shiftR x i) (sz+i) sz
>               | otherwise = shiftR x i
>     where sz = bitSize x
> -- |Identical to the shiftL operator.
> logShiftL :: Bits a => a -> Int -> a
> logShiftL = shiftL
> clearBits :: Bits a => a -> Int -> Int -> a
> clearBits x min max | min >= max = x
>                     | otherwise = clearBits (clearBit x min) (min+1) max
> -- |Returns a list of Word8s in little-endian byte order. Does not
> -- work with Integers
> word8Split :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> [Word8]
> word8Split x = map (fromIntegral . (shiftR x)) [0,8..sz-8]
>     where sz = bitSize x
> -- |Concats a list of Word8s in little-endian byte order.
> -- For big-endian byte order reverse the Word8s first.
> -- Does not work with Integers
> word8Concat :: (Bits a, Integral a) => [Word8] -> a
> word8Concat w8s = bwOr $ zipWith shiftL xs [0,8..sz-8]
>     where xs = map fromIntegral w8s
>           sz = bitSize $ head xs
> -- |Implementation of inet_addr outside the IO monad
> aton :: String -> HostAddress
> aton ipstr = word8Concat $ toBytes ipstr
>     where toBytes = (map readByte) . checkLength . dotSplit
>           dotSplit = splitRegex $ mkRegex "\\."
>           checkLength x = if length x == 4 then x else malformed
>           readByte b = case reads b of
>                          ((x,""):_) -> if x >= 0 && x <= 255 
>                                        then fromInteger x 
>                                        else malformed
>                          otherwise -> malformed
>           malformed = throw $ ErrorCall $ "Malformed Address: " ++ ipstr
> -- |Implementation of inet_ntoa outside the IO monad
> ntoa :: HostAddress -> String
> ntoa = concat . (intersperse ".") . (map show) . word8Split
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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