[Haskell-iPhone] iOS cross compile instructions now on GHC wiki / progress update

Jonathan Fischoff jonathangfischoff at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 16:53:20 CET 2013

Something to watch out for, when setting the url to the main ghc repo use
the git at github.com:ghc/ghc.git and not the http version. For example: git
remote set-url origin git at github.com:ghc/ghc.git

On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 1:45 AM, Stephen Blackheath [to GHC-iPhone] <
likeliest.complexions.stephen at blacksapphire.com> wrote:

> I forgot to mention an important thing: You will need the Cabal changes
> from Luke's pull request at https://github.com/haskell/**cabal/pull/1214<https://github.com/haskell/cabal/pull/1214>
> I suggest you check out the normal Cabal, then add the above as a new
> remote and pull from it. (I am not sure exactly which URL to use.)
> On 01/03/13 22:41, Stephen Blackheath [to GHC-iPhone] wrote:
>> Alex,
>> I can't help much because I'm even more confused than you are about
>> subprojects on the ghc-ios repos. Try this:
>> 1. Clone your http://github.com/ghc-ios/ghc repo locally to give
>> yourself a clean checkout.
>> 2. Go into it and check out the 'master' branch: git checkout master
>> 3. Point the 'origin' remote at the central ghc repo.
>> 4. Now do
>>    ./sync-all --no-dph get
>>    (This will get the stock standard subprojects, just exactly how
>> things would work for a normal ghc checkout from ghc HQ.)
>> 5. Now back to the branch: git checkout master-merge-ios
>> 6. Now you can point 'origin' back to ghc-ios/master-merge-ios again if
>> you want.
>> 7. Follow the rest of the build instructions.
>> Steve
>> On 01/03/13 16:27, Alex Carter wrote:
>>>   On a fresh checkout of ghc-ios:ghc/merge-master-ios, I get /sync-all/
>>> and /perl boot/ errors:
>>> /
>>> /
>>>     /$ sync-all --no-dph get/
>>>     ...
>>>     Unable to checkout '**ecf43c78cc1fdc7ef5f9f44ccf3544**1a2ad33847' in
>>>     submodule path 'libraries/Cabal'
>>>     Unable to checkout '**8b271670f79a3b50d7e15ca9248782**12f042f259' in
>>>     submodule path 'libraries/vector'
>>>     ...
>>> and then:
>>>     $ perl boot
>>>     Error: libraries/Cabal/LICENSE doesn't exist.
>>>     Maybe you haven't done './sync-all get'? at boot line 74, <PACKAGES>
>>>     line 53.
>>> which I suppose makes sense since the Cabal checkout failed...
>>> - Alex
>>> On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 4:49 PM, Stephen Blackheath [to GHC-iPhone]
>>> <likeliest.complexions.**stephen at blacksapphire.com<likeliest.complexions.stephen at blacksapphire.com>
>>> <mailto:likeliest.complexions.**stephen at blacksapphire.com<likeliest.complexions.stephen at blacksapphire.com>>>
>>> wrote:
>>>     Thanks Simon - I've added that to a list of loose ends on the
>>>     Building/CrossCompiling/iOS wiki page.
>>>     All - I've fixed the issues with
>>>     http://hackage.haskell.org/__**trac/ghc/ticket/7722<http://hackage.haskell.org/__trac/ghc/ticket/7722>
>>>     <http://hackage.haskell.org/**trac/ghc/ticket/7722<http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7722>>,
>>> so everything
>>>     should now be working.
>>>     Anyone who wants to try it now should either apply all the patches
>>>     associated with "Blocked By" of
>>>     http://hackage.haskell.org/__**trac/ghc/ticket/7724<http://hackage.haskell.org/__trac/ghc/ticket/7724>
>>>     <http://hackage.haskell.org/**trac/ghc/ticket/7724<http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7724>>,
>>> or check out
>>>     http://github.com/ghc-ios/ghc on the 'master-merge-ios' branch.
>>>     Steve
>>>     On 01/03/13 04:44, Simon Marlow wrote:
>>>         On 27/02/13 21:34, Stephen Blackheath [to GHC-iPhone] wrote:
>>>             All,
>>>             Cross-compiling GHC to iOS:
>>> http://hackage.haskell.org/__**trac/ghc/wiki/Building/__**
>>> CrossCompiling/iOS<http://hackage.haskell.org/__trac/ghc/wiki/Building/__CrossCompiling/iOS>
>>> <http://hackage.haskell.org/**trac/ghc/wiki/Building/**
>>> CrossCompiling/iOS<http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Building/CrossCompiling/iOS>
>>> >
>>>         Great.  The point about dead-code removal is interesting: we have
>>>         special hacks so that you don't have to disable dead-code
>>>         removal on OS
>>>         X, in the native code generator and (I presume) in the LLVM
>>> backend.
>>>         Perhaps this just needs to be adapted to work on iOS too?
>>>         On the other hand, the special hack involves adding lots of extra
>>>         symbols, so perhaps it's better to just disable dead-code
>>> removal.
>>>         Cheers,
>>>               Simon
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