[Hat] Building hat

Daniel Burrows Daniel_Burrows at alumni.brown.edu
Wed Mar 22 00:23:35 EST 2006

On Tue, Mar 21, 2006 at 11:14:28AM +0000, Malcolm Wallace <Malcolm.Wallace at cs.york.ac.uk> was heard to say:
> Sorry for the delay in response - your message got caught in the
> haskell.org mail filters.
> Daniel Burrows <dburrows at debian.org> writes:
> >   The first problem that I had is that the script to detect the current
> > ghc version is wrong.  It searches for the regular expression "^[0-9]*".
> Thanks for suggesting "^[0-9]+" as an alternative.  We have gone through
> several different regular expressions since the 2.04 release in an
> attempt to exclude strange newlines and pre-processor directives.  Your
> solution might be the cleanest.
> > make[2]: *** No rule to make target `Foreign/ForeignPtr.hs', needed by `/home/daniel/debian-pkgs/NMU/hat/hat-2.04/debian/build-tools/targets/ix86-Linux/obj/hatlib/ghc6/Hat/Foreign/ForeignPtr.o'.  Stop.
> > 
> >   ForeignPtr is in Hat/Foreign/, not Foreign/.  I dealt with this by
> > copying the file into the correct directory, and I did the same with
> > PreludeBasic.hx (which is in the root of the hatlib source directory
> > but is expected to be in Hat/).
> There is definitely something odd happening here.  The version in
>     Hat/Foreign/ForeignPtr.hs
> has already been transformed by hat-trans from
>     Foreign/ForeignPtr.hs
> When you copied it back to that location, the Makefile then tried to
> transform it a second time, which is the reason for the subsequent
> error:
> > hat-trans: ./Hat/Hack.hx: openFile: does not exist
> But I am not sure why the original file
>     Foreign/ForeignPtr.hs
> was no longer in its original location.  It is certainly included in the
> tarfile, and 'make clean' should not remove it.  Perhaps you just need
> to start again with a freshly unpacked archive and the
> 'script/confhc-hat' fix?

  Ah, my bad; I had missed some lines in debian/rules:

        rm -f src/hatlib/Foreign/ForeignPtr.hs
        rm -f src/hatlib/Foreign/ForeignPtr.hx

  I imagine this might explain my problem. :-)  And indeed, when I pull
those lines out, the compilation completes and the build script dies
trying to run a target called "install-noinc".  I guess maybe I'll look
at what's up with that tomorrow.

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