[Hat] Problems getting started

Thomas Davie hat@haskell.org
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 13:51:35 +0100

   As from my previous mail to haskell-cafe I'm trying to get started  
working with a few haskell tools.  I'm now trying to get hat to build,  
but hitting a problem while compiling.  The error I get is:

     Couldn't match `IOError' against `GHC.IOBase.Exception'
         Expected type: GHC.IOBase.Exception -> GHC.IOBase.IO (R a)
         Inferred type: IOError -> GHC.IOBase.IO a1
     In the second argument of `catch', namely `exceptionHandler'
     In a 'do' expression:
         catch (toIO toId mkRoot (forceExp gmain)) exceptionHandler

     Couldn't match `GHC.IOBase.Exception' against `IOError'
         Expected type: GHC.IOBase.Exception
         Inferred type: IOError
     In the first argument of `ioErrors', namely `exception'
     In the scrutinee of a case expression: ioErrors exception
make[1]: ***  
hatlib/ghc/Hat/Hat.o] Error 1
make: *** [targets/powerpc-Darwin6/hat-lib-ghc] Error 2

ghc -I/Users/tatd100/Desktop/project/hat-2.02/include  '-#include  
"hat-c.h"' -cpp -c -o  
hatlib/ghc/Hat/Hat.o Hat/Hat.hs

Any help again is much appreciated.


Tom Davie