[Hat] hat 2.00 make failure

Malcolm Wallace hat@haskell.org
Sat, 15 Jun 2002 14:22:06 +0100

Byron Hale <byron.hale@einfo.com> writes:

> Making hat 2.0 resulted in a system crash.
> Environment: Redhat Linux 7.2 i686 SMP GHC 5.02.3 hamke 3.05
> Unable to capture output.
> A later try resulted in "segmentation fault."

I understand that you couldn't capture the output of the first build,
but can you supply a full log of the second build that resulted in
a seg fault?

[ To be honest, this sounds like a problem with your machine, not
  with Hat, but it is difficult to be certain without more detailed
  information from the logs.  Are you by any chance using a laptop
  with ACPI support? ]
