[Haskell-community] Downloads page & Haskell for Mac

John Wiegley johnw at newartisans.com
Wed Oct 28 02:56:38 UTC 2015

>>>>> Manuel M T Chakravarty <chak at justtesting.org> writes:

> Other than that, isn’t it the purpose of haskell.org to make it as easy as
> possible to get up and running with Haskell? From all the feedback that I
> got from users so far, Haskell for Mac is by far the easiest way to get
> started with Haskell on a Mac. If we are up front about its commercial
> nature, visitors to the site can decide for themselves whether the purchase
> costs and the commercial nature are worth the added convenience to them.

Hi Manuel,

We still have the problem that the current downloads page is quite long. Since
I can't see replacing one of those options with Haskell for Mac, that only
leaves adding a fourth option -- which begs the question why other perfectly
viable options are also not there. At some point, we have to draw a somewhat
arbitrary line.

In our "third party downloads" section, we could add a link to a page targeted
specifically at beginners, with Haskell for Mac as a prominent member of the
"Mac" section on that page. Would that suffice?

I realize you want to get the word out to those who need to hear it, and
burying the lead past a link may lose some of the audience you're aiming for.
This has to be balanced against our need to keep the community-backed options
clear and visible, and avoid additional confusion for the sake of a better
option for some.


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