[Haskell-community] Downloads page & Haskell for Mac

John Wiegley johnw at newartisans.com
Sat Oct 24 17:47:13 UTC 2015

>>>>> Nicolas Wu <nicolas.wu at gmail.com> writes:

> With that said, I think the main downloads page should at least point to
> another page that lists and perhaps even discusses all the options
> available. This should include compilers other than GHC and links to
> commercially available tools. Perhaps this would be an extension of
> https://wiki.haskell.org/Implementations.

> I also think that it would be worth considering having official sponsors
> listed somewhere else on haskell.org, and this might be a good place for
> this.

> What do others think?

Yes, this was the intention with our "third party downloads" section that
remained unfinished at the end of the last round.

Let's then begin our second round. We know we want the main downloads page to
link to an "alternate methods" page, and for this other page to exhaustively
describe/link to all the other means by which Haskell may be installed on a
user's machine.

We can begin by creating a list of everything we want to link to. Gershom has
already begun this. Once we have that list, should we standardize on something
like alphabetical order, so that no one option is given priority?

I also agree with Nicolas that we probably shouldn't expand the current
downloads page any further. It is quite long as it stands.


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