[Haskell-cafe] Re: Anglo Haskell 2008

Matthew Sackman matthew at wellquite.org
Thu Aug 7 12:00:25 EDT 2008

Anglo Haskell 2008 is all but upon us! In under 18 hours a weekend[0] the
like of which has not previously been seen (except in 2006 and 2007)
shall be unleashed. Full details of the momentus events that will befall
us this weekend can be found on the wiki:


For all of you who are not lucky enough to attend, salvation is at hand
- a live broadcast of the audio (sorry, no video) will be available


This will be available from 11am BST (GMT/UTC + 1) tomorrow (Friday 8th)
and from 1pm BST Saturday. The recording will also be dumped to disk and
should eventually be edited and appear with the slides presented for at
least the main talks.

Looking forward to seeing you *all* there tomorrow!


[0] Err, technically, a Friday and Saturday.

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