[Haskell-cafe] Re: Non-technical Haskell question

Gour gour-haskell-cafe-sender-b3e10c at atmarama.org
Wed Dec 8 13:27:56 EST 2004

John Goerzen (jgoerzen at complete.org) wrote:

> I think the two main things to do that would be:
> 1. Write Haskell code that has a wide appeal (example: darcs)

Agree. One individual wrote an application of the (very) general interest 
'educating' programmers about Haskell's adequacy as a general programming
language (there are now several people contributing to the project and some
are even learning Haskell because of that :-)

> 2. Fix Haskell weaknesses
> Haskell weaknesses are things I've mentioned here before, and refer
> generally to documentation and breadth of the standard library (or ease
> of finding/installing additional packages).

This one requires, imho, some organized effort to be really successful.

> The Cabal people are working on the library problem.  I am too, by
> writing a bunch of code and also integrating a bunch of other code.

I recently found out about your library and hope to be able to use it
effectively when my skills become more developed.

> Three of us also have a very rough start on a hands-on, practical
> introduction to Haskell aimed at the experienced imperative programmer.

This is *very* important - bringing new people from the imperative (I do not
mean they should be 'converted' at any cost :-) camp by showing them how
Haskell can be very elegant solution for solving general programming problems
and than one does not require to hold a Ph.D. in a CS to be qualified to
program in Haskell.

There is plenty of theoretical work in the form of different papers, thesis
etc. dealing with the plethora of Haskell-related subjects, but to 'bring
Haskell to the masses', we need some more practicality. 

Hoping that Haskell community can recognize that more programmers can benefit
them, so let's welcoem them.


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