[Yhc] yhc build bug?

Isaac Dupree isaacdupree at charter.net
Sat Feb 24 15:57:31 EST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Stefan O'Rear wrote:
> exec gcc -o yhi -O2 -funit-at-a-time src/runtime/BCKernel/sanity.c
src/runtime/BCKernel/basepath.c [...] depends/ctypes/libffi/src/x86/ffi.c
- -lm -lpthread -ldl -lgmp -I. -Idepends/ctypes/libffi/include
- -Idepends/ctypes/libffi/src/x86 -Idepends/ctypes/libffi
- -DVERSION=\"0.7.0-20070224144350-custom\" -DX86

A few of those paths passed to the compiler include "x86" (also, -DX86).
Maybe the choice of files (and other compiler flags), in order to
support the FFI on multiple architectures, isn't completely trivial?

> IE, less than 6x the time needed to compile a Haskell "hello world"
> with comparable optimization settings.  (For those less familiar with
> ghc options, -funit-at-a-time means whole program optimization in this
> context.) We probably don't need separate compilation, let alone
> dependency generation. 

"Compiling multiple files at once to a single output file (and using
- -funit-at-a-time) will allow the compiler to use information gained from
all of the files when compiling each of them."
It seems, looking at different versions' manuals,
gcc 4.1 automatically enables -funit-at-a-time with -O or greater
gcc 4.0 automatically enables -funit-at-a-time with -O2 or greater
gcc 3.4 (when the flag was introduced) never automatically enables it.
So the effect of putting the flag there seems to be better optimization
for gcc 3.4 and error for gcc 3.3 and below. Is it worth mentioning the
flag? (Also, is yhi supposed to support C compilers other than "gcc",
which, among other things, probably don't have that flag?)

In any case, you are probably right about that optimization effect when
compiling together multiple files at the same time, that it is a good
effect, assuming it makes the build process less complicated or at least
not more so!

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