[Yhc] Some suggested changes to Yhc.Core

Dimitry Golubovsky golubovsky at gmail.com
Tue Aug 7 08:54:55 EDT 2007


Malcolm Wallace wrote:
> Actually, I think it would be better just to add the single new name
> "javascript".  It's pretty easy, and allows us to represent the
> convention using an enumerated type internally, rather than just a
> String.  Types are one of the reasons we like Haskell, aren't they?

Perhaps there could be an intermediate solution: keep the calling
convention field as a string, but add a command-line option, something
like --allow-cconv=<comma-separated list> with default being whatever
is in the Addendum plus those non-standard nhc98 convention names. For
Javascript backend, I'll use --allow-cconv=javascript, etc.

--allow-cconv=ANY would turn this check off (thus ANY in capitals
being reserved word)

This is all advisory to the final code generator, anyway.


Dimitry Golubovsky

Anywhere on the Web

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