[Yhc] Yhc and plugins architecture
Tom Shackell
shackell at cs.york.ac.uk
Mon Sep 18 06:18:52 EDT 2006
On Sun, 2006-09-17 at 18:31 +0200, Cédric Paternotte wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering whether Yhc was able to provide dynamic loading of modules.
> Let's say I'd wanted to do something like :
> myFiboFunction <- loadModule "myPlugin.hbc" "myFiboFunction"
> putStrlLn $ myFiboFunction 10
> Is it possible to achieve this in the current state of Yhc ?
> I know there's an API out there to load bytecodes at runtime but I'm
> not sure it's meant to do that...
Hi Cedric,
There is indeed a RuntimeAPI, though it's still in the process of being
written so it's a bit low level. At somepoint we'll write a
user-friendly library over the top but at present your example would be:
import YHC.Runtime.API
main = do
let typ = undefined :: Int -> Int
fibo <- loadFromModule "MyPlugin" "myFiboFunction" typ
putStrLn $ show $ fibo 10
loadFromModule :: String -> String -> a -> IO a
loadFromModule mod obj typ = do
pluginModule <- moduleLoad mod
case pluginModule of
Nothing -> error $ "couldn't load module '"++mod++"'"
Just m -> do
fiboNode <- moduleLookupNode m obj
case fiboNode of
Nothing -> error $ "could not find '"++obj++
"' in module '"++mod++"'"
Just n -> do
typRep <- getType typ
withNode n typRep $ \ fibo ->
return fibo
Notice that it's necessary to give a dummy parameter of the correct type
to keep the type system happy. Also be wary that the system currently
doesn't check that the type is correct so doing:
let typ = undefined :: Float -> Char
Will compile and even execute, but will prompty crash horribly. In
future we'll add type checking so it'll give a sensible runtime error.
Hope that helps :-)
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