[Yhc] Fwd: [York Haskell Compiler] 10/23/2006 01:02:04 AM

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Mon Oct 23 10:26:20 EDT 2006

A comment left on blogger, which probably should be more widely
circulated. Not sure if this will be useful to us or not, but I'll let
the Linux people decide. If it looks useful/helpful/a good idea can
someone open a bug on it?


 Hi -

 I was just wondering - for Linux installs, have you looked at doing
an "autopackage" for YHC?

 ( http://autopackage.org/ )

 That is a distro-neutral format which is very easy to install, and
using it could save a lot of time doing packages for each distro.

 There is even a related utility called "Packer"

 From its home-page -
"Packages are a great convenience for gurus and new users alike. Thus,
users may be less inclined to use software that is not packaged. This
is unfortunate for GNU/Linux software developers since packaging
software is a huge pain, especially given the huge variety of
packaging formats.

Packer helps to automate this process. Using a text-based wizard,
packer can collect all the information regarding a program needed to
create a package. Then, a simple command is all it takes to create a
debian directory (used to build debian packages), RPM SPEC files (for
Mandriva, SuSE, and Fedora/Red Hat), and autopackages spec files
(autopackage is a system for creating distribution-neutral installers
with dependency handling). These files are of a similar quality to
hand-crafted ones. Packer can also automatically build the packages
themselves if requested."

 Just thought I'd mention those two things - keep up the great work! :-)
- Andy

Posted by Anonymous to York Haskell Compiler at 10/23/2006 01:02:04 AM

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