[Yhc] Version Numbers

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 13:06:53 EDT 2006

Hi Everyone,

We need to come up with a versioning scheme that can serve Yhc
forevermore. This is partly needed because the Debian packagers need a
version, but we probably need it anyway. Do yhc --version and you'll
see what i mean...

So what should we have as the version numbering scheme?

I propose:


major/minor being the normal release style version numbers. We might
stick with 0.0 for a long time to come, but thats ok. I'd personally
be happy with just one major/minor number, and increment it every time
we feel like it - the major/minor distinction will have little meaning

date is just the date, i.e. 20060905 for the 5th of September 2006, so
its in a nice sorted way.

number starts at 0 each day, and goes up. This is required so each
buildbot created version is a separate atomic version. I would very
much like our build process to be tagging the darcs repo, collecting
the builds that fall out and sending an email. By doing this every
build becomes unique.

Thoughts? Complaints? Ideas?



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