[Yhc] CAF vs 0-arity function question

Robert Dockins robdockins at fastmail.fm
Fri May 12 10:44:24 EDT 2006

On May 12, 2006, at 5:52 AM, Tom Shackell wrote:

> Upon further inspection of the code it seems I really don't  
> remember what the constant were for :-)
> The difference is probably best illustrated by an example:
>    f :: Int
>    f = 2 + 2
>    g :: Int -> Int
>    g x = f
> Here g would be compiled to:
> function g(x):
> constants
>    0.         CAF(A)        f
>  Here f is a CAF constant because f is a CAF. However in the next  
> example ...
>    f :: Int -> Int
>    f x = 2 + 2
>    g :: Int -> Int
>    g = f
> In this case g would be compiled to:
> function g():
> constants
>    0.         FUN0(0)         f
> Here f is a FUN0 because although f is not a CAF (it takes more  
> than one argument) we want the object that represents the currying
> of the function f that does take no arguments.

Having looked at some bytecode myself, it looks like the FUN0 is just  
a shorthand for creating a partial application; you can use the  
PUSH_CONST instruction instead of the MK_PAP instruction (which takes  
two arguments).  That is perhaps a slight advantage.  It doesn't mean  
"0 arity function" it seems to mean "a partial application with no  
arguments applied".  Con0 is similar: the generated bytecode uses a  
PUSH_CONST instruction rather than a MK_CON.  Here, however, it seems  
to actually only do this for 0 arity constructors.   I'm not sure why  
one would prefer that in this case, however....

> So in some sense Simon is right, FUN0 is sort of like a non- 
> updatable CAF, although if my memory serves me correctly the no- 
> argument currying of
> a function that does take arguments is not defined as a CAF.
> However, the distinction is still academic, the runtime treats A,  
> Z, and 0 as being exactly the same .
> I shall update the wiki to make it clearer ...
> thanks :-)
> Tom
> Tom Shackell wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>> The constant table item constants are somewhat of a legacy. The  
>> original constants were chosen to correspond to nhc's constants,  
>> however as far as the Yhc runtime is concerned:
>> - A and Z are simply references to heap nodes and are treated in  
>> exactly the same way.
>> - F, 0, C, P, X are all references to Info structures and are also  
>> treated in exactly the same way.
>> However, you are quite right, looking at the C code 0 is  
>> mistakenly included with the A&Z code. This has likely not proved  
>> a problem because '0' is infact entirely redundant. The only thing  
>> you could do with a 0-arity FInfo is make an application to it,  
>> but why would you want to when you can just push the CAF instead?
>> Ultimately we should tidy up the constants to a more simple
>> - Some constant value (i, l, f, d, s)
>> - References to heap nodes (N)
>> - References to FInfo or CInfo (I)
>> For the moment I shall change the C code to make using '0' an  
>> error :-)
>> Thanks
>> Tom
>> Robert Dockins wrote:
>>> The HBC bytecode format has different constant tags for the  
>>> folloing:
>>> 1) CAF, tag 'A'
>>> 2) 0-arity function, tag '0'
>>> http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Yhc/RTS/hbc
>>> Why the distinction?  Maybe I don't fully understand, but I  
>>> thought that a 0-arity function _was_ a CAF?
>>> The runtime seems to treat them very much the same (although I  
>>> can't be quite sure -- reading C gives me a headache ;)
>>> Rob Dockins
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Rob Dockins

Speak softly and drive a Sherman tank.
Laugh hard; it's a long way to the bank.
           -- TMBG

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