[Yhc] Build problems concerning FFI

Leon Smith leon.p.smith at gmail.com
Fri Jun 2 07:59:51 EDT 2006

Hello all.  I'm the student working on the typechecker for Google's SoC.

I ran into a few build problems with the repository.  I've attached a
patch for them, though two problems are not covered in this patch.
These problems both concern


which is a generated script.   First,  something tries to run it
directly,  without running sh on it.   Second,  the configuration
script does not set the variable $max_cmd_len on my platform (Darwin).
   Both these cause the build process to fail.

I worked around these issues by setting the executable bit and editing
the generated script myself to set the variable.   However the true
fixes are beyond my expertise.

Congrats on self hosting.   I did download and try out YHC sometime in
January.   It compiled without problems,  but I didn't get to use it.
I don't remember what issues I was having with YHC and the program I
was writing at the time.

Best Wishes,
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