[xmonad] MultiToggle with WorkspaceCursors

Platon Pronko platon7pronko at gmail.com
Sat Mar 25 08:26:31 UTC 2023


WorkspaceCursors doesn't introduce any groups, it's just a glorified workspace switcher - underneath all the chrome it uses the standard flat workspaces list. In essense it just defines some helper functions that allow user to imagine that workspaces are arranged as a multidimensional cube and navigate along axes of said cube. But it still does it using the usual StackSet.greedyView function.

MultiToggle is irrelevant in this case, the same effect can be seen with the boring Choose layout combinator (i.e. `Tall ||| Full`) - the layout state is "spilling" over to other workspaces.

It seems that the problem arises because WorspaceCursors calls `windows $ greedyView` inside LayoutClass.handleMessage function - current workspace is switched at the same time as layout is updated, and Xmonad assigns the updated layout to the new workspace.

Here's a reproducer (should work on all configs that have a workspace with id "4"):

-- necessary language pragmas
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

-- imports
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier(ModifiedLayout(..), LayoutModifier(handleMess))
import XMonad(Message, X, windows, sendMessage, fromMessage)

-- Example LayoutModifier that showcases the issue.
-- It does nothing except calling `greedyView "4"` upon reciept of SwitchWorkspace message
data BadLayoutModifier a = BadLayoutModifier deriving (Read, Show)

data SwitchWorkspace = SwitchWorkspace
instance Message SwitchWorkspace

instance LayoutModifier BadLayoutModifier a where
   handleMess BadLayoutModifier m = do
     case fromMessage m of
       Just SwitchWorkspace -> do
         windows $ W.greedyView "4"
         return $ Just BadLayoutModifier
       Nothing -> return Nothing

-- add to keys (tweak the keybinding to your taste)
   , ((modm, xK_v), sendMessage SwitchWorkspace)

-- prepend BadLayoutModifier to layoutHook
layoutHook =
   ModifiedLayout BadLayoutModifier $
   (Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2) ||| Full)

Steps to reproduce:

1. Recompile and restart Xmonad.
2. Toggle workspace "2" to "Tall" layout, toggle workspace "4" to "Full" layout.
3. Switch to workspace "2".
4. Press keybinding to send the SwitchWorkspace message (Super-v in my case).
5. Observe that Xmonad switches to workspace "4", and layout on that workspace is now "Tall" instead of "Full" as set up originally.

In my opinion WorkspaceCursors doesn't need to be a LayoutModifier at all - current state can be derived from the list of cursors and currently focused workspace, no need to store it somewhere. This will sidestep the problem of calling `greedyView` during layout update.

Best regards,
Platon Pronko
PGP 2A62D77A7A2CB94E

On 2023-03-24 23:27, Brandon Allbery wrote:
> My guess is that MultiToggle doesn't and can't know about
> WorkspaceCursors, and WorkspaceCursors doesn't and can't know that it
> needs to duplicate the layout state for each group it introduces, so
> any layout state change applies to all groups.
> On Fri, Mar 24, 2023 at 11:22 AM ivan <ivan.brennan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm trying to get MultiToggle and WorkspaceCursors to play nicely with each other.
>> Ordinarily, MultiToggle lets you apply a layout transformation to the current workspace without affecting the layouts of other workspaces. E.g. if I toggle workspace 1 to Full layout, it won't impact the layouts being used on workspaces 2, 3, etc.
>> I've started using WorkspaceCursors (XMonad.Actions.WorkspaceCursors) to manage independent groups of workspaces, and noticed that if I use it's functions (e.g. modifyLayer) to navigate between workspaces, layout toggle states seem to bleed across workspaces rather than remaining independent per workspace.
>> For example, starting on workspace 1 with my regular Tall layout, I navigate to workspace 2 and toggle it to Full layout. Then I go back to workspace 1 and see that it, too, has been toggled to Full layout.
>> I can't figure out exactly what's causing this, or how to fix it so that workspace layouts toggle independently. I'm hoping someone here sees what I'm missing.
>> I put together a minimal config to reproduce the problem:
>> https://github.com/ivanbrennan/xmonad-testing/commit/2e9541b0937eee31ae7f300e130dc55a9c5933af#diff-61bfccbc988708bd118b33f9299c64aa8b3e532e25cc8eaa3b716f53215fb196
>> The config provides two groups (A and B) of nine workspaces.
>>      group A: 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A 9A
>>      group B: 1B 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B
>> Its layoutHook consists of:
>>      myLayoutHook =
>>        workspaceCursors cursors
>>          . avoidStruts
>>          . mkToggle1 FULL
>>          $ Tall 1 (3/100) (1/2)
>> Keys super+1 .. super+9 use WorkspaceCursors functions to switch between workspaces within the currently active group.
>> Keys super+ctrl+1 .. super+ctrl+2 use WorkspaceCursors functions to switch between groups A and B.
>> Additionally, keys super+meta+1 .. super+meta+9 use traditional StackSet functions to switch between workspaces 1A .. 9A. I added these for comparison, showing that MultiToggle state is recognized per-workspace when using this form of navigation.
>> I can't figure out the root cause. I suspect the most relevant pieces of code from WorkspaceCursors and MultiToggle are the following:
>> https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/blob/e60805bd45ca2feb9ef3335d023daae5d02dbf4f/XMonad/Actions/WorkspaceCursors.hs#L204-L215
>> https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/blob/e60805bd45ca2feb9ef3335d023daae5d02dbf4f/XMonad/Layout/MultiToggle.hs#L193-L218
>> Does anyone know what I might be missing, or how I could debug further to get to the root of the problem?
>> Thanks!
>> Ivan
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