[xmonad] Weird background appearing around Chrome popup menus.

Platon Pronko platon7pronko at gmail.com
Sun Dec 24 15:55:45 UTC 2023

On 2023-12-24 18:54, Eyal Erez wrote:
> Thank you,
> Disabling the "Chrome Refresh 2023" flag seems to have solved the issue. (I
> also like the old look and feel better so win-win.) However, I'm guessing
> it's just a matter of time before they force this change through.
> I have tried using a compositor in the past (xcompmgr). However, it causes
> my screen to have horizontal tearing, so I stopped using it.

Unfortunately it looks like they are using a semi-transparent window to render pretty rounded corners and drop shadows under the menu. And for semi-transparency to work compositor is needed.

Best regards,
Platon Pronko
PGP 2A62D77A7A2CB94E

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