[xmonad] xmonad and xmonad-contrib 0.17.1 are available

Tony Zorman soliditsallgood at mailbox.org
Sat Sep 3 14:15:17 UTC 2022


New versions of xmonad and xmonad-contrib have been released. Check out
our [download page] for instructions on where to get them.

About 10 months after the big release of 0.17.0, we—as promised—picked
up the pace a bit and are back with a new minor version; don't let that
fool you though, this one still packs a punch!  Plus, we now sport a
brand-new [logo], courtesy of [Hans Heintze].

As this is a minor release, we tried to keep the breaking changes to a
minimum (xmonad core does not have a single one!) However, some were
unavoidable for `xmonad-contrib', so be sure to at least glance at the
[release notes]!

For help getting started—or more info—see [our website] and [talk to
us]! If you like what we do, you can support us on [Open Collective] or
via [GitHub Sponsors]. Thanks!

[GitHub Sponsors] <https://github.com/sponsors/xmonad>
[Hans Heintze] <https://github.com/literallyunplayable>
[Open Collective] <https://opencollective.com/xmonad>
[download page] <https://xmonad.org/download.html>
[logo] <https://xmonad.org/images/logo.svg>
[our website] <https://xmonad.org/>
[release notes] See section 2
[talk to us] <https://xmonad.org/community.html>

1 xmonad 0.17.1

  This release includes 32 non-merge commits by 6 contributors! For a
  full summary of all the changes, see [xmonad's CHANGES.md] file.

[xmonad's CHANGES.md] <https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad/blob/v0.17.1/CHANGES.md>

1.1 Enhancements

  • Added custom cursor shapes for resizing and moving windows.

1.2 Bug Fixes

  • Change the main loop to try to avoid [GHC bug 21708] on systems
    running GHC 9.2 up to version 9.2.3. The issue has been fixed in
    [GHC 9.2.4] and all later releases.

  • Fixed border color of windows with alpha channel. Now all windows
    have the same opaque border color.

[GHC bug 21708] <https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/21708>
[GHC 9.2.4] <https://discourse.haskell.org/t/ghc-9-2-4-released/4851>

2 xmonad-contrib 0.17.1

  This release includes 212 non-merge commits by 32 contributors! For a
  full summary of all the changes, see [xmonad-contrib's CHANGES.md]

[xmonad-contrib's CHANGES.md] <https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad-contrib/blob/v0.17.1/CHANGES.md>

2.1 Breaking Changes

  • `XMonad.Config.{Arossato,Dmwit,Droundy,Monad,Prime,Saegesser,Sjanssen}':
    deprecated all of these modules. The user-specific configuration
    modules may still be found [on the website].

  • `XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad': scratchpads are now only based on the
    argument given to `namedScratchpadManageHook'; all other scratchpad
    arguments are, while still present, ignored. Users passing all of
    their scratchpads to functions like `namedScratchpadAction' (as is
    shown in the module's documentation) should /not/ notice any
    difference in behaviour.

  • `XMonad.Util.DynamicScratchpads': deprecated the module; use the new
    dynamic scratchpad functionality of `XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad'

  • `XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook': deprecated `urgencyConfig'; use `def'
    from the new `Default' instance of `UrgencyConfig' instead.

[on the website] <https://xmonad.org/configurations.html>

2.2 New Modules

  • `XMonad.Hooks.Modal': a module implementing modal keybindings for

  • `XMonad.Layout.SideBorderDecoration': this module allows for having
    a configurable border position around windows; i.e., it can move the
    border to either cardinal direction.

  • `XMonad.Actions.PerLayoutKeys': a new module for customising
    keybindings on a per-layout basis.

  • `XMonad.Actions.RepeatAction': a module for adding a keybinding to
    repeat the last action, similar to Vim's `.' or Emacs's `dot-mode'.

2.3 Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • `XMonad.Prompt' and `XMonad.Actions.TreeSelect': added xft-based
    font fallback support. This may be used by appending other fonts to
    the given string: `xft:iosevka-11,FontAwesome-9'. Note that this
    requires `xmonad-contrib' to be compiled with `X11-xft' version
    0.3.4 or higher.

  • `XMonad.Util.Run': added an EDSL—particularly geared towards
    programs like terminals or Emacs—to spawn processes from XMonad in a
    compositional way.

  • `XMonad.Util.Hacks': added `trayerPaddingXmobarEventHook' (plus
    generic variants for other trays/panels) to communicate trayer
    resize events to xmobar so that padding space may be reserved on
    xmobar for the tray. Requires `xmobar' version 0.40 or higher.

  • `XMonad.Prompt.OrgMode': added the ability to specify alphabetic
    (`#A', `#B', and `#C') [priorities] at the end of the input note.

  • `XMonad.Actions.Submap': added `visualSubmap' to visualise the
    available keys and their actions when inside a submap.

  • `XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad': added support for dynamic scratchpads
    in the form of `dynamicNSPAction' and `toggleDynamicNSP'.

  • `XMonad.Hooks.WindowSwallowing': fixed windows getting lost when
    used in conjunction with `smartBorders' and a single window.

[priorities] <https://orgmode.org/manual/Priorities.html>

Tony Zorman | https://tony-zorman.com/

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