[xmonad] scratchpads broken after upgrade.

Eric.a e.a.gebhart at gmail.com
Fri Oct 21 20:07:48 UTC 2022

I am on Arch Linux, so there's that.  I had avoided upgrading for a couple
of months.
Until yesterday morning.

I'm on ghc 9.02 and xmonad 17.1.

I had to wade through numerous problems and errors, Arch as well as xmonad
deprecations. Nothing to do with scratchpads.

I am passing my scratchpads to all scratchpad Actions, I have a
scratchToggle function to do that, which according to the doc, should
continue to work even with the breaking changes to namedScratchpads.

I do have multiple ways to invoke them.  I have a submap keymap, grid
select, and few direct keys in the main keymap.  None of them work.

None of the named scratchpads work, nor does the old unnamed scratchpad
I've ripped out my code and replaced it with the example with no success.
I've tested examples with xterm, uxrvt and termite.
I am now mostly back to my original scratchpad code.  Which silently does
nothing, Named or otherwise.

I must be missing something very simple.

Any clues would be appreciated, my haskell is a bit rusty but coming back a
little at a time.
Here's my relevant code chunks.  Also available on my github.  Itś a rather
large config.

I suspect my manage hooks, but it just doesn´t make sense to me. Everything
a bit simpler with the new docks and ewmh stuff, I realize I could simplify
it some
more. But I hate to mess with it too much, when it all looks good and
it's been this
way for years now.

Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you,


-- Scratch Pads ------------------------------------------------------------

-- location and dimension.

scratchpadSize = W.RationalRect (1/4) (1/4) (1/3) (3/7)

mySPFloat = customFloating scratchpadSize

            -- with a flexible location.
-- Big BSP, Small SSP, Super small,
--  so size is width and height. - change the fractions to get your sizes
flexScratchpadSize dx dy = W.RationalRect (dx) (dy) (1/2) (5/7)
flexSScratchpadSize dx dy = W.RationalRect (dx) (dy) (3/5) (5/8)
flexSSScratchpadSize dx dy = W.RationalRect (dx) (dy) (1/2) (1/2)
-- pass in a fraction to determine your x,y location. size is derived from
-- all based on screen size.
flexFloatSSP dx dy = customFloating (flexSScratchpadSize dx dy)
flexFloatSSSP dx dy = customFloating (flexSSScratchpadSize dx dy)
flexFloatBSP dx dy = customFloating (flexScratchpadSize dx dy)

scratchpads =
  [ NS "conky"   spawnConky findConky manageConky
  , NS "htop" "xterm -e htop" (title =? "htop") defaultFloating -- from the
example in the doc
  , NS "pavuControl"   spawnPavu findPavu managePavu
  , NS "term"  (myTerminal2 ++ " -t term") (title =? "term") (flexFloatBSP
(1/20) (1/20))
  , NS "term1" (myTerminal2 ++ " -t term1") (title =? "term1")
(flexFloatBSP (2/20) (2/20))
  , NS "term2" (myTerminal2 ++ " -t term2") (title =? "term2")
(flexFloatBSP (3/20) (3/20))
  , NS "term3" (myTerminal2 ++ " -t term3") (title =? "term3")
(flexFloatBSP (4/20) (4/20))
  , NS "term4" (myTerminal2 ++ " -t term4") (title =? "term4")
(flexFloatBSP (6/20) (4/20))
  , NS "ghci"  (myTerminal2 ++ " -e ghci") (title =? "ghci") (flexFloatBSP
(6/20) (1/10))
  --, NS "sync"  (myTerminal ++ " -e sy") (title =? "sy") (flexFloatSP
(1/10) (2/3))
  , NS "top"   (myTerminal2 ++ " -e htop") (title =? "htop") (flexFloatSSP
(1/4) (1/4))
  , NS "calc"  (myTerminal2 ++ " -e bcl -t bc") (title =? "bc")
(flexFloatSSSP (1/4) (1/4))
  , NS "alsaMixer"  (myTerminal2 ++ " -e alsamixer -t alsamixer") (title =?
"alsamixer") (flexFloatSSSP (1/4) (1/4))
    spawnConky  = "conky -c ~/.config/conky/Erics.conkyrc" -- launch Conky
    findConky   = title =? "system_conky"   -- its window,  has a
own_window_title of "system_conky"
    manageConky = (flexFloatSSP (1/4) (1/4))
    spawnPavu  = "pavucontrol"
    findPavu   = title =? "pavucontrol"
    managePavu = (flexFloatSSP (1/4) (1/4))

-- Scratchpad invocation / Dismissal
-- Warp
bringMouse = warpToWindow (9/10) (9/10)
scratchToggle a = namedScratchpadAction scratchpads a >> bringMouse

manageScratchPad :: ManageHook
manageScratchPad = scratchpadManageHook (W.RationalRect l t w h)
    h = 0.6
    w = 0.5
    t = 1 - h
    l = 1 - w

myScratchpadManageHook =
    manageScratchPad <+>
    namedScratchpadManageHook scratchpads

myManageHelpers = composeAll . concat $
    [ [ className   =? c --> doFloat           | c <- classFloats]
    , [ title       =? t --> doFloat           | t <- titleFloats]
    , [ resource    =? r --> doFloat           | r <- resourceFloats]
    , [ title       =? c --> doIgnore          | c <- titleIgnores]
    , [(className =? "Firefox" <&&> resource =? "Dialog") --> doFloat]
  where classFloats    = ["Galculator", "Steam", "Media_Center_30",
                          "MPlayer", "Gimp", "Gajim.py", "Xmessage"]
        titleFloats    = ["Volume Control", "alsamixer", "Onboard"]
        resourceFloats = ["desktop_window", "Dialog", "gpicview"]
        titleIgnores   = ["stalonetray", "xfce4-notifyd"]

myManageHook = myManageHelpers <+> myScratchpadManageHook

--- keymaps

 -- Scratchpads
    , ("M4-e",          toSubmap c "namedScratchpadsKeymap"
namedScratchpadsKeymap) -- Scratchpad
    , ("M4-n",          scratchpadSpawnActionTerminal  "urxvt") -- Urxvt
    , ("M4-S-n",        namedScratchpadAction scratchpads  "term1") --
Term1 Scratchpad
    , ("M4-S-e",        namedScratchpadAction scratchpads  "htop") -- htop
example Scratchpad

-- manage hooks / def
myConfig = do
  dbus <- D.connectSession
  getWellKnownName dbus
  return $ defaults {
      logHook = do
         -- dynamicLogWithPP $ (prettyPrinter dbus)
         dynamicLogWithPP $ (myPPPolybar dbus)

      , manageHook = myManageHook
      , layoutHook = layoutHook defaults
      , startupHook = do
          myStartupHook        -- >> setWMName "LG3D"

-- docks :: XConfig myConfig -> XConfig myConfig

-- Combine it all together
-- A structure containing your confiuration settings, overriding
-- fields in the default config. Any you don't override, will

-- use the defaults defined in xmonad/XMonad/Config.hs
-- No need to modify this.

-- defaultConfig
defaults = def {
  -- simple stuff
   terminal           = myTerminal,
   focusFollowsMouse  = myFocusFollowsMouse,
   borderWidth        = myBorderWidth,
   modMask            = myModMask,
   workspaces         = myTopicNames,  -- MyWorkspaces
   normalBorderColor  = myNormalBorderColor,
   focusedBorderColor = myFocusedBorderColor,

     -- key bindings
   keys               = mainKeymap,
   mouseBindings      = myMouseBindings,

     -- hooks, layouts
   layoutHook         = myLayout, -- smartBorders $ myLayout,
   manageHook         = myManageHook,
   startupHook        = myStartupHook
} -- `additionalKeysP` myadditionalKeys

main :: IO ()
main = xmonad . ewmh . docks =<< myConfig
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