[xmonad] Errors building Xmonad using Stack

Alain Bertrand alainbe at free.fr
Wed Jul 20 06:40:54 UTC 2022

On 20/07/2022 00:03, Tomas Janousek wrote:
> -
> Hi,
> This is admittedly somewhat confusing. Perhaps it'd be easier to 
> understand if there was a "The error log follows" line somewhere, so 
> we'll consider adding it. This is what it'd look like:
> |XMonad will use stack ghc --stack-yaml 
> "/home/alain/.config/xmonad/stack.yaml" to recompile. XMonad 
> recompiling (forced). Errors detected while compiling xmonad config: 
> /home/alain/.config/xmonad/xmonad.hs The error log follows: $ stack 
> build --silent --stack-yaml /home/alain/.config/xmonad/stack.yaml 
> Please check the file for errors. |
> This means |stack build …| failed, because it's the last command and 
> there's no |stack ghc …| following it. Re-running it manually without 
> |--silent| will hopefully reveal what's wrong.
Thanks for your answer. I got the following output.

alain at keitai-kun:~$ stack build  --stack-yaml 

Stack has not been tested with GHC versions above 8.10, and using 9.0.2, 
this may fail
Stack has not been tested with Cabal versions above 3.2, but version was found, this may fail
xmonad-contrib> configure (lib)
xmonad-contrib> Configuring xmonad-contrib-
Prelude.chr: bad argument: 1744830475


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