[xmonad] using cmark instead of Pandoc in GenerateManPages.hs

Tomas Janousek tomi at nomi.cz
Sat Jan 9 00:41:44 UTC 2021


On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 07:01:36AM +0200, Adam Sjøgren wrote:
>Adam writes:
>> One of the Debian developers maintaining the Pandoc package remarked:
>>   > I no longer use xmonad myself, but remember frm when I did that the
>>   > biggest frustration was that you'd need a working _development_
>>   > environment, and each time Haskell packages went out of sync (using
>>   > Debian unstable), xmonad was one of the last ones to get back in
>>   > sync. I imagine that a decoupling from Pandoc might change that.
>> I will be happy to take a stab at changing GenerateManPage to use cmark
>> instead of Pandoc, if it sounds useful to you.
>I have tried doing so now - Pandoc does more than cmark, so it's more
>intrusive than I would have liked.

I tried an alternative approach: drop the Haskell dependency on 
Pandoc/cmark entirely and use the command-line interface, which I 
believe is more stable than the Haskell library interface.

I implemented that here: https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad/pull/260

Do you folks think this is a viable option or are there any pitfalls 
that I'm not seeing? Any feedback highly appreciated.

Tomáš Janoušek, a.k.a. Pivník, a.k.a. Liskni_si, https://work.lisk.in/
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