[xmonad] Best "go to previous window" solution

Ruben Astudillo ruben.astud at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 14:52:16 UTC 2021

Hello list.

To move to the previous selected window, I use the module
`XMonad.Actions.GroupNavigation` and its `historyHook` with a key set up to
`nextMatch History (pure True)`. With this I can alternate to the previously
selected window. But it is not a repeatable process, because once I jump to
the previous window, the window from which I jumped becomes the "previous
window". That means I can only alternate between two windows with this setup.

What I would like is to have the equivalent of `C-o` on vim or `C-u
C-<space>` on emacs but without it being limited to two movements. What
modules on contrib should I be using?

-- Rubén. pgp: 4EE9 28F7 932E F4AD

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