[xmonad] using cmark instead of Pandoc in GenerateManPages.hs

Adam Sjøgren asjo at koldfront.dk
Thu Jul 16 05:01:36 UTC 2020

Adam writes:

> One of the Debian developers maintaining the Pandoc package remarked:
>   > I no longer use xmonad myself, but remember frm when I did that the
>   > biggest frustration was that you'd need a working _development_
>   > environment, and each time Haskell packages went out of sync (using
>   > Debian unstable), xmonad was one of the last ones to get back in
>   > sync. I imagine that a decoupling from Pandoc might change that.


> I will be happy to take a stab at changing GenerateManPage to use cmark
> instead of Pandoc, if it sounds useful to you.

I have tried doing so now - Pandoc does more than cmark, so it's more
intrusive than I would have liked.

The most prominent downside, I think, is the lack of table-of-contents

The changes are on the use-cmark branch in this repository:

 · https://koldfront.dk/git/xmonad/

commit d5b8d08¹ (code, templates) and 9eb731f² (resulting generated
pages respectively.

  Best regards,


¹ https://koldfront.dk/git/xmonad/commit/?id=d5b8d08
² https://koldfront.dk/git/xmonad/commit/?id=9eb731f

 "A splendid time is guaranteed for all"                    Adam Sjøgren
                                                       asjo at koldfront.dk

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