[xmonad] Suspend Keybinding Temporarily

Dmitriy Matrosov sgf.dma at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 11:01:08 UTC 2018

On November 28, 2018 9:25:00 PM GMT+03:00, Brandon Allbery <allbery.b at gmail.com> wrote:
>Not by default; there's already a bug (
>https://github.com/xmonad/xmonad/issues/78) about our not obeying the
>replace protocol unless started by replacing some other WM.
>There's a few other places you can hide extra parameters; starting that
>early, the environment is probably the easiest to use, provided they're
>too large (see why there's a state file now).

Hm, i don't understand how to use environment. I need to pass something to running xmonad process (to which i send XMONAD_RESTART). As far as i know, i can't change environment of another process.. 

>On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 1:20 PM Dmitriy Matrosov <sgf.dma at gmail.com>
>> Hi.
>> On 11/21/2018 09:49 PM, Eyal Erez wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I'm getting some collisions between my xmonad keybindings and an
>> > application I'm running (it's a game that is suppose to run full
>> > but in reality just uses a large window).  I was wondering if I
>> > suspend or change some keybindings from a script that I can run
>> > the app launches and then restore later.
>> >
>> > Is this at all possible?  Happy to entertain other options.
>> Here is proof of concept:
>>          import XMonad
>>          import XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops
>>          import System.Directory
>>          import System.FilePath
>>          main :: IO ()
>>          main = do
>>                  let xcf = ewmh $ def
>>                              { modMask = mod4Mask
>>                              , handleExtraArgs = disableKeys
>>                              }
>>                  xmonad xcf
>>          disableKeys :: [String] -> XConfig Layout -> IO (XConfig
>>          disableKeys _ xcf = do
>>              xd <- getXMonadDir
>>              let disableFn = xd </> "disable_keys"
>>              b <- doesFileExist disableFn
>>              if b
>>                then do
>>                  trace "Disabling all keys."
>>                  removeFile disableFn
>>                  return (xcf {keys = \_ -> mempty})
>>                else return xcf
>> To disable all keys create file `~/.xmonad/disable_keys` and then
>> restart xmonad with `xmonad --restart`. All keys will be disabled
>> _and_ file deleted (to avoid locking yourself), thus next restart
>> restore all keys back.
>> As far as i understand, xmonad grabs keys in `X.Main.launch` before
>> entering main loop. Thus, the one way to change key grab is to
>> xmonad. I need to modify `XConfig` before calling X.Main.launch`, and
>> this may be done by `handleExtraArgs` (called in `launch'` in
>> `X.Main.xmonad`). Unfortunately, it seems, that xmonad does not allow
>> to pass extra cmd arguments during restart (`X.Operations.restart`
>> always starts xmonad with name `xmonad` and no arguments). Also, i
>> can't use extensible state in `handleExtraArgs`, because it runs in
>> `IO` (`X` context is not yet built at that time).  Thus, to pass
>> something to it, i may use either file or (probably) `--replace`. The
>> above version uses file. And i have no luck with `--replace`: it
>> seems, `xmonad` can't replace itself?..
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