[xmonad] The transparent borders on RGBA windows are back

Adam Sjøgren asjo at koldfront.dk
Sat Jan 27 09:48:48 UTC 2018

Adam writes:

>   * 07-glx-do-not-pick-srgb-config-for-32bit-rgba-visual.diff: Add a
>     patch from upstream to fix potential issues with mesa git.
> Sounds like that could be the reason.

Downgrading the xserver-xorg-core package to the previous one fixes the
problem, so it would seem that it is.

I have reported this to the Debian developer.

I don't know, however, if this is something that needs to be fixed in
XMonad or [Debian's] X.org.

  Best regards,


 "What looks large from a distance                            Adam Sjøgren
  Close up is never that big"                            asjo at koldfront.dk

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