[xmonad] XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks: can't toggle dock gap since 0.13

Mekeor Melire mekeor.melire at gmail.com
Tue May 9 01:17:40 UTC 2017


since version 0.13 of xmonad(-contrib) and upgrading my config to that
version, I find my config not to work as expected. Specifically, my
binding for `sendMessage ToggleStruts` doesn't toggle the dock gap
anymore. Instead, all windows overlap over my dock (dzen2) all the time.

I followed the instructions at the documentation (of
XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks at xmonad-contrib):


i.e. I apply `docks` on the XConfig and `avoidStruts` on the layout.

You can find my current config on GitHub (repo: "config"; branch:


I also checked CHANGES.md but version 0.13 only seems to fix bugs in
that module.

What am I doing wrong? Am I missing something?

mekeor ~ EDD3 DFFA 76F6 11C0 145F 9A99 AC85 BAD8 A2F8 C868

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