[xmonad] Can avoidStruts stop working?

Jan Christoph Uhde linux at obiwahn.org
Sun Nov 6 12:33:48 UTC 2016


I experience the same issues as in:


avoidStruts works for me in 0.11.1 (not compatible with the newest ghc
8.x.y in debian sid). In version 0.12 (cabal-default) it does not work
on the first workspace, but starts working after pressing
(mod-shift-space). In current git version xmonad
(8b055621e92e7ade127043e968f50713c15a00a0) / xmonad-contrib
(ec5f9a9e59ed5fa6bbd4c3850e4025526155f86e) my xmobar is never visible as
soon as there is any other window.

I have tried to work with sanboxes and different ghc versions but it is
all very painful as I have to cd
into the correct sandbox and even then xmonad must use
a certain ghc version on startup when it compiles it's

Please let me know how I can help debugging the problem. I know a bit
programming and a few haskell basics. So please give me enough details
to be helpful. You will find me as obiwahn in #xmonad at freenode.net.


Jan Christoph Uhde
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