[xmonad] kill -STOP/-CONT hack

Adam Sjøgren asjo at koldfront.dk
Tue Jun 14 23:24:58 UTC 2016

Adam writes:

> Brandon writes:
>> X11 *really* does not want this kind of thing to work.
> Maybe the documentation of the module could be amended with a paragraph
> outlining this.

Putting my keyboard where my mouth is, as a start:
 · https://github.com/asjo/xmonad-contrib/commit/b2ecbe7471a5d519fc03288614c6df393cab1e7a

> (I definitely would not have wasted (your) time trying to get it to run,
> if it had.)

I don't, however, understand why it doesn't work on Firefox. kill -STOP
manually _does_ work on Firefox. And Firefox sets _NET_WM_PID.

  Best regards,


 "I say, either agree with me or take a hike! I'm             Adam Sjøgren
  right, period! End of discussion!"                     asjo at koldfront.dk

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