[xmonad] Xmonad and multiple screens
Jakob Schöttl
jschoett at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 05:31:10 UTC 2016
Hi Yuriy,
I have a similar setup on my ThinkPad, but I use three monitors.
What I do first, is disable all outputs (I had other kind of problems
xrandr --output $left --off
xrandr --output $right --off
xrandr --output $primary --off
xrandr --output $primary --auto
xrandr --output $right --auto --left-of $primary
xrandr --output $left --auto --left-of $right
You press mod+shift+{w,e,r} to shift a window to another screen, don't you?
I copied and adapted this key bindings from the default config for a
different keyboard layout:
-- mod-{i,a,e} %! Switch to physical/Xinerama screens 1, 2, or 3
-- mod-shift-{i,a,e} %! Move client to screen 1, 2, or 3
[ (mod ++ key, screenWorkspace sc >>= flip whenJust (windows . f))
| (key, sc) <- zip ["i", "a", "e"] [2, 0, 1] -- [0..] is weired!
-- now middle finger (a) is primary (laptop) monitor,
-- pointer finger (e) is second (external) monitor
, (f, mod) <- [(W.view, "M-"), (W.shift, "M-S-")]
My xrandr -q output looks similar to your's:
Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 5520 x 1080, maximum 32767 x 32767
eDP1 connected 1920x1080+3600+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y
axis) 309mm x 173mm
1920x1080 60.05*+
1400x1050 59.98
1600x900 60.00
1280x1024 60.02
1280x960 60.00
1368x768 60.00
1280x720 60.00
1024x768 60.00
1024x576 60.00
960x540 60.00
800x600 60.32 56.25
864x486 60.00
640x480 59.94
720x405 60.00
640x360 60.00
DP1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
DP2 connected 1680x1050+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y
axis) 474mm x 296mm
1680x1050 59.88*+ 59.95
1280x1024 75.02 60.02
1440x900 74.98 59.89
1280x960 60.00
1152x864 75.00
1024x768 75.08 60.00
832x624 74.55
800x600 75.00 60.32 56.25
640x480 75.00 60.00
720x400 70.08
HDMI1 connected 1920x1080+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
530mm x 300mm
1920x1080 60.00*+
1600x1200 60.00
1680x1050 59.88
1280x1024 60.02
1440x900 59.90
1280x960 60.00
1280x800 59.91
1024x768 60.00
800x600 60.32 56.25
640x480 60.00
HDMI2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
VIRTUAL1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
Cheers, Jakob
Am 06.06.2016 um 07:14 schrieb Yuriy Halytskyy:
> I am trying to use xmonad on a laptop connected to two monitors, via
> VGA and HDMI outputs. Laptop screen is disabled and both external
> monitors configured using xrandr:
> xrandr --output LVDS1 --off
> xrandr --output HDMI-0 --right-of VGA1
> xrandr --output VGA1 --right-of LVDS1
> But mod+{w,e,r} does not work and the only way to have windows on
> one of my screens is to move floating window. Xinerama shows only
> right monitor:
> ghc -e "Graphics.X11.openDisplay [] >>=
> Graphics.X11.Xinerama.getScreenInfo"
> [Rectangle {rect_x = 1920, rect_y = 0, rect_width = 1920, rect_height
> = 1200}]
> Is it possible to somehow overwrite getScreenInfo for xmonad or
> configure Xinerama propertly?
> nvidia-setting can only see one screen and one display.
> xrandr output shows one huge 3840 x 1200 display and all screens:
> Screen 0: minimum 8 x 8, current 3840 x 1200, maximum 16384 x 16384
> LVDS-0 disconnected primary (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> DP-0 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> DP-1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> HDMI-0 connected 1920x1200+1920+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y
> axis) 518mm x 324mm
> 1920x1200 60.0*+
> 1920x1080 60.0
> 1680x1050 60.0
> 1600x1200 60.0
> 1280x1024 60.0
> 1280x960 60.0
> 1024x768 60.0
> 800x600 60.3
> 640x480 59.9
> DP-2 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> DP-3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> LVDS1 connected
> 1600x900 60.0 + 40.0
> 1440x900 59.9
> 1360x768 59.8 60.0
> 1152x864 60.0
> 1024x768 60.0
> 800x600 60.3 56.2
> 640x480 59.9
> VGA1 connected 1920x1200+0+0 518mm x 324mm
> 1920x1200 60.0*+
> 1920x1080 60.0
> 1680x1050 60.0
> 1600x900 60.0
> 1280x1024 60.0
> 1440x900 59.9
> 1280x800 59.8
> 1280x720 60.0
> 1024x768 60.0
> 800x600 60.3 56.2
> 640x480 60.0
> VIRTUAL1 disconnected
> 1024x768 (0x2ce) 65.0MHz
> h: width 1024 start 1048 end 1184 total 1344 skew 0 clock
> 48.4KHz
> v: height 768 start 771 end 777 total 806 clock
> 60.0Hz
> 800x600 (0x2cf) 40.0MHz
> h: width 800 start 840 end 968 total 1056 skew 0 clock
> 37.9KHz
> v: height 600 start 601 end 605 total 628 clock
> 60.3Hz
> 640x480 (0x2d0) 25.2MHz
> h: width 640 start 656 end 752 total 800 skew 0 clock
> 31.5KHz
> v: height 480 start 490 end 492 total 525 clock
> 59.9Hz
> 1920x1200 (0x2c8) 154.0MHz
> h: width 1920 start 1968 end 2000 total 2080 skew 0 clock
> 74.0KHz
> v: height 1200 start 1203 end 1209 total 1235
> clock 60.0Hz
> 1680x1050 (0x2ca) 146.2MHz
> h: width 1680 start 1784 end 1960 total 2240 skew 0 clock
> 65.3KHz
> v: height 1050 start 1053 end 1059 total 1089
> clock 60.0Hz
> 1280x1024 (0x2cc) 108.0MHz
> h: width 1280 start 1328 end 1440 total 1688 skew 0 clock
> 64.0KHz
> v: height 1024 start 1025 end 1028 total 1066
> clock 60.0Hz
> Cheers,
> Yuriy
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