[xmonad] minimal easy Xmonad 0.11.1 on Lubuntu 15.10 with lxpanel 0.8.1

Alexander Genaud alex at genaud.net
Wed Jan 27 21:20:41 UTC 2016

was "Vanilla Xmonad distribution"

virtualbox on windows 10
created a vmachine with 600 MB RAM and 6 GB disk
mounted lubuntu 15.10 32-bit iso
installed, eject iso, restart, login, terminal

# apt-get install xmonad

$ mkdir ~/.xmonad

$ cat > ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs
import XMonad
import XMonad.Config.Desktop
main = xmonad $ desktopConfig
       { modMask = mod4Mask
       , terminal = "lxterminal"

$ echo "exec lxpanel &" > ~/.xmonad/xmonad-session-rc

logout, select XMonad (top right), login
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