[xmonad] Issue 588 in xmonad: xmonad --restart doesn't seem to work

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Fri Jan 23 05:51:43 UTC 2015

Comment #5 on issue 588 by tmartin.... at gmail.com: xmonad --restart doesn't  
seem to work

Thanks Daniel, at least I know that's not the issue.  I'm looking at  
main.hs and can only see a test for the --replace arg.  I see no explicit  
test for --restart.  The call to restart is present here...

handle e at ClientMessageEvent { ev_message_type = mt } = do
     a <- getAtom "XMONAD_RESTART"
     if (mt == a)
         then restart "xmonad" True
         else broadcastMessage e

but this is far beyond my capacity to follow.

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