[xmonad] Issue 254 in xmonad: XMonad.Contrib.Util.Run.runInTerm does not work with terminal = "gnome-terminal"

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Fri Feb 6 12:45:16 UTC 2015

Comment #9 on issue 254 by denis.ka... at gmail.com:  
XMonad.Contrib.Util.Run.runInTerm does not work with terminal  
= "gnome-terminal"

This bit me on termite (https://github.com/thestinger/termite) as well  
since it also expects a single argument to -e. I had to write my own  
corrected safeRunInTerm' as a minimally invasive fix. It seems to me that  
passing arguments to exec individually in safeSpawn along with passing a  
single argument to -e in safeRunInTerm (as suggested in #5) is safer and  
cleaner semantically. Would this be an acceptable change in the API for the  
next version? If not, would you accept a patch adding such alternative  
versions of the functions?

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