[xmonad] `Status' Package [xmonad-contrib]

Brent Yorgey byorgey at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 17:14:07 UTC 2015

Sounds cool.  I don't think I would personally use it, but I think you
should submit it to xmonad-contrib regardless of whether anyone says they
would use it.  If it's there, then perhaps someone will find it.


On Sun, Dec 13, 2015 at 11:50 AM Matt Walker <matt.g.d.walker at gmail.com>

> Hello everyone,
> I've been using xmonad for a couple of months now, and there is something
> that has always bothered me, so I'm writing a package to fix it.
> [Problem Statement]
> Many people who use dzen2 do so with the help of Conky or other external
> programs.  While nice, if would be better to be able to control it with
> XMonad in a nice way without them.  This would require two things: more
> control over how information is outputted to dzen2 from xmonad than that
> afforded by DynamicLog, and ways of retrieving system information for
> xmonad to use.  Specifically, we would want a flexible, extensible, and
> elegant solution, and one that works for more than just Dzen.  I argue no
> such solution currently exists, and why this is a problem.
> [Evidence of Problem]
> People with advanced XMonad/Dzen2 setups often resort to using two
> different Dzen2 bars -- one for XMonad stuff that XMonad controls, and one
> that is piped output from something like Conky.  Here are just a few
> examples I've found around the web:
> https://wiki.haskell.org/Xmonad/Config_archive/And1's_xmonad.hs (note the
> hacky (but effective) use of the DynamicLog PP facilities)
> https://wiki.haskell.org/Xmonad/Config_archive/Regalia's_xmonad.hs
> https://wiki.haskell.org/Xmonad/Config_archive/Thayer_Williams'_xmonad.hs
> https://wiki.haskell.org/Xmonad/Config_archive/avendael's_xmonad.hs
> http://thinkingeek.com/2011/11/21/simple-guide-configure-xmonad-dzen2-conky/
> https://github.com/davidbeckingsale/xmonad-config/blob/master/xmonad.hs
> In each of these cases, the status bar has two parts: one part controlled
> by XMonad that deals with the WM state, and another part controlled by
> Conky that contains the system state.  The premise of my argument is
> basically that this is undesirable, and all information should be available
> from, and outputted from, xmonad.  We have a Haskell environment, and we
> are completely by-passing it!
> [Probable Cause of Problem]
> DynamicLog's PP facility is extremely useful if you want to quickly get a
> statusbar up quickly and with minimal customization.  But it quickly
> becomes too weak to do anything fancy with, without getting very hacky.
> For example, say I wanted my current layout and window-name information
> printed in the middle of the bar, and my list of workspaces printed on the
> left side of the bar.  This is difficult to achieve with the current tools
> -- one must be aware of the formatting characters when performing the
> translation if one wants the text to be correctly justified/centred.  One
> must be quite familiar with which parts of the PP get outputted when and
> how they are put together (since we want two fields to be output to the
> same region, but centring them both would make them overlap.)  This makes
> for a brittle and non-general solution to the problem.
> The problem is that DynamicLog's PP facility is not extensible in any
> elegant way.  You have to know how the whole thing works to be able to
> extend it, even in minor ways.  Modifications to it are neither composable,
> nor factorable -- I can't just add or remove customizations without it
> probably breaking.
> [Proposed Solution]
> I propose a new solution.  The code for this solution is located here:
> https://github.com/Fizzixnerd/xmonad-config/tree/master/site-haskell/src/XMonad/Hooks/DynamicLog/Status
> .  I haven't yet spun off the code in that subdirectory into its own repo.
> Right now, the whole repo is an unholy Frankenstein's monster of personal
> configuration, failed attempts, and worthwhile work.  Most of the good
> stuff is in XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.Status though.
> The main idea is that we defined a new type, StatusText which has three
> bits: a prefix, a suffix, and some content.  The actual stuff you want to
> display goes in the content section, while the prefix and suffix hold the
> markup information.
> Here is a brief summary of the type:
> type Status b a = Writer (b, Dual b) a
> type StatusText = Status [T.Text] T.Text
> where Dual is defined in Data.Monoid.  And that's it!  We get a Functor
> and Writer Monad for free out of this definition, clearly.  The Dual is
> there so that if you have something like <bold><italics>hello
> there!</italics></bold>, then the wrapping happens in the correct order.
> That is, you don't end up with <bold><italics>hello there!</bold></italics>.
> We define the `length' of a StatusText to be the length of the content.
> This allows us to calculate offsets within the status bar without having to
> strip away all the markup.
> I have a library included in Status.DZen2 (name change is coming to get
> rid of the capital Z).  It contains combinators and so on for marking up
> StatusText using all the dzen2 commands, all from within XMonad.
> Exciting!  I plan to make a universal interface and a fancy interface: the
> universal interface will contain all commands common to dzen2, xmobar, and
> possibly taffybar.  In this way, it will be possible to swap out your
> statusbar without everything breaking.  Maybe I'll abandon this part, but
> let me know if it sounds cool to you.
> There are also facilities similar to those found in XMonad.Util.Logger for
> making StatusTexts from shell commands.  These are found in
> Status.StatusText.Dynamic.  The point of this is so that the formatting of
> the information can be cleanly separated from the retrieval of the
> information.  This makes things more composable, and doesn't have use
> relying on brittle solutions.  However, you can still just plug in your
> conky stuff and pipe it through xmonad if you want to just get it up and
> running to see what it's like.  I will be adding a few `standard'
> StatusTexts in Status.System.
> I have replicated the facilities found in XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog's PP's
> by factoring out the different parts of the PP and then wrapping those in
> StatusTexts in Status.X.  Big ups to the creator of DynamicLog's PPs.  They
> are a fantastic idea within the domain of their applicability, and I used a
> lot of the code from them.
> I will be spending the coming days cleaning up the codebase and getting it
> ready to be submitted for possible inclusion in xmonad-contrib.  I don't
> think it even compiles right now, but past versions of it have worked so
> I'm not super worried about there being a fundamental flaw in it or
> whatever.  There are some examples using battery in Status.System of
> composing a StatusText to format content using the monadic interface in
> Status.DZen2.Fancy.
> Finally, you take your StatusTexts, stick them in a list (one for the
> left, middle, and right side of the bar respectively), and then render them
> to a string.  This is the part that isn't quite done yet, but it's also
> probably the most straightforward.  More on that later.
> Obviously, this package is best used with XMonad.Util.Timer, since you
> probably want your uptime and stuff to actually update properly with time,
> and not just on X events.
> [License]
> Its currently GPLv3, but I have no qualms about changing it once its ready.
> [Conclusion]
> I'd love to hear some feedback on this.  Does anyone even care?  Maybe
> this is better left as just a personal package for myself.  I have no
> idea.  I just felt it solved a rather general problem, and so could
> possibly be of use to other people.  If it helps reduce the (in my opinion)
> ugly hacky use of Conky and 2+ dzen bars, then I think that's pretty good.
> Let me know!
> Sincerely,
> Matt
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