[xmonad] Issue 605 in xmonad: Tearing out a chrome or chromium tab with the mouse becomes tiled when it should be floating

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Thu Aug 6 14:42:09 UTC 2015

Comment #3 on issue 605 by allber... at gmail.com: Tearing out a chrome or  
chromium tab with the mouse becomes tiled when it should be floating

Interesting observation: at least with recent Chrome, it seems that if I  
drag slowly enough I can drag tabs even sloppily. I will briefly get a new  
window that gets tiled --- but as long as I keep dragging, when I reach the  
tab bar of the other Chrome window the temporary tiled window will go away  
and the tab will appear.

I suspect that xmonad reshuffling windows as focus changes can impact this  
pretty badly, though, such that everything gets confused and the tab just  
gets tiled because the target window got whisked away by the StackSet  
reshuffle. Sadly, this is another manifestation of bug 4 and the only fix  
is to ditch the StackSet entirely, breaking pretty much everything in the  
process. :/

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