[xmonad] xmonad with emacs

Steve Quezadas steve at thestever.net
Tue Apr 14 17:31:12 UTC 2015


I am using xmonad and so far I love it! However, there seems to be a
keybinding conflict (I think) with emacs. Control-space is the
"set-mark-command" option in emacs and it does not seem to work when
xmonad is present. The alternative keybind (Control-@) seems to work
though. When I take xmonad off, the keybind works again.

Not sure what is going on, I checked the FAQ and the maillist history
and no one seems to be having this problem which is strange since
emacs is a fairly common program

My config file is fairly straightforward:
import XMonad
import XMonad.Config.Gnome

main = xmonad gnomeConfig
         { modMask = mod4Mask -- Use Super instead of Alt
         -- more changes

I am using Ubuntu 14.04.2 with xmonad version 0.11

Has anyone used xmonad with emacs before? I remapped the meta key to
the super key, thinking that this may cause the conflict but it didn't
fix it.

- Steve

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