[xmonad] darcs patch: X.A.Navigation2D: add convenience functions for settin...
Devin Mullins
devin.mullins at gmail.com
Sat Sep 27 08:09:44 UTC 2014
Oops, sorry for the dupe.
On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 1:08 AM, Devin Mullins <devin.mullins at gmail.com>
> Norbert, as the original author of this, does this look okay to you? If you
> don't mind/care, I will submit.
> 1 patch for repository code.haskell.org:/srv/code/XMonadContrib:
> Fri Sep 26 01:02:15 PDT 2014 Devin Mullins <devinmullins at gmail.com>
> * X.A.Navigation2D: add convenience functions for setting config &
> keybindings
> Added 'navigation2D' which delegates to withNavigation2DConfig and
> additionalKeys, and 'navigation2DP' which is the 'additionalKeysP'
> version of
> the same.
> [X.A.Navigation2D: add convenience functions for setting config &
> keybindings
> Devin Mullins <devinmullins at gmail.com>**20140926080215
> Ignore-this: ab2c0b2a5255377420e5cc83b1dcd6a1
> Added 'navigation2D' which delegates to withNavigation2DConfig and
> additionalKeys, and 'navigation2DP' which is the 'additionalKeysP'
> version of
> the same.
> ] {
> hunk ./XMonad/Actions/Navigation2D.hs 35
> -- * Exported functions and types
> -- #Exports#
> - withNavigation2DConfig
> + navigation2D
> + , navigation2DP
> + , withNavigation2DConfig
> , Navigation2DConfig(..)
> , def
> , defaultNavigation2DConfig
> hunk ./XMonad/Actions/Navigation2D.hs 62
> import XMonad hiding (Screen)
> import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
> import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS
> +import XMonad.Util.EZConfig (additionalKeys, additionalKeysP)
> import XMonad.Util.Types
> -- $usage
> hunk ./XMonad/Actions/Navigation2D.hs 84
> --
> -- > import XMonad.Actions.Navigation2D
> --
> --- Then edit your keybindings:
> +-- Then add the configuration of the module to your main function:
> +--
> +-- > main = xmonad $ navigation2D def
> +-- > (xK_Up, xK_Left, xK_Down, xK_Right)
> +-- > [(mod4Mask, windowGo ),
> +-- > (mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, windowSwap)]
> +-- > False
> +-- > $ def
> +--
> +-- Alternatively, you can use navigation2DP:
> +--
> +-- > main = xmonad $ navigation2D def
> +-- > ("<Up>", "<Left>", "<Down>", "<Right>")
> +-- > [("M-", windowGo ),
> +-- > ("M-S-", windowSwap)]
> +-- > False
> +-- > $ def
> +--
> +-- That's it. If instead you'd like more control, you can specify your
> keybindings:
> --
> -- > -- Switch between layers
> hunk ./XMonad/Actions/Navigation2D.hs 105
> --- > , ((modm, xK_space), switchLayers)
> +-- > , ((modm, xK_space), switchLayer)
> -- >
> -- > -- Directional navigation of windows
> -- > , ((modm, xK_Right), windowGo R False)
> hunk ./XMonad/Actions/Navigation2D.hs 330
> -- | Shorthand for the tedious screen type
> type Screen = W.Screen WorkspaceId (Layout Window) Window ScreenId
> ScreenDetail
> +-- | Convenience function for enabling Navigation2D with typical
> keybindings.
> +-- Takes an (up, left, down, right) tuple, a mapping from modifier key to
> +-- action, and a bool to indicate if wrapping should occur. Example:
> +--
> +-- > navigation2D def (xK_w, xK_a, xK_s, xK_d) [(mod4Mask, windowGo),
> (mod4Mask .|. shiftMask, windowSwap)] False
> +navigation2D :: Navigation2DConfig -> (KeySym, KeySym, KeySym, KeySym) ->
> [(ButtonMask, Direction2D -> Bool -> X ())] ->
> + Bool -> XConfig l -> XConfig l
> +navigation2D navConfig (u, l, d, r) modifiers wrap xconfig =
> + withNavigation2DConfig navConfig xconfig
> + `additionalKeys`
> + [((modif, k), func dir wrap) | (modif, func) <- modifiers, (k, dir) <-
> dirKeys]
> + where dirKeys = [(u, U), (l, L), (d, D), (r, R)]
> +
> +-- | Convenience function for enabling Navigation2D with typical
> keybindings,
> +-- using the syntax defined in 'XMonad.Util.EZConfig.mkKeymap'. Takes an
> (up,
> +-- left, down, right) tuple, a mapping from key prefix to action, and a
> bool to
> +-- indicate if wrapping should occur. Example:
> +--
> +-- > navigation2DP def ("w", "a", "s", "d") [("M-", windowGo), ("M-S-",
> windowSwap)] False
> +navigation2DP :: Navigation2DConfig -> (String, String, String, String)
> -> [(String, Direction2D -> Bool -> X ())] ->
> + Bool -> XConfig l -> XConfig l
> +navigation2DP navConfig (u, l, d, r) modifiers wrap xconfig =
> + withNavigation2DConfig navConfig xconfig
> + `additionalKeysP`
> + [(modif ++ k, func dir wrap) | (modif, func) <- modifiers, (k, dir) <-
> dirKeys]
> + where dirKeys = [(u, U), (l, L), (d, D), (r, R)]
> +
> -- So we can store the configuration in extensible state
> instance ExtensionClass Navigation2DConfig where
> initialValue = def
> }
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