[xmonad] Applied: Re: [xmonad-contrib] XMonad.Prompt.Pass patch

darcswatch at nomeata.de darcswatch at nomeata.de
Tue Sep 9 14:45:52 UTC 2014

This 1-patch bundle was just applied to http://code.haskell.org/XMonadContrib:

20140829131928  eniotna.t at gmail.com
 * add-new-xmonad-prompt-pass
 This module provides 3 <XMonad.Prompt> to ease passwords manipulation (generate, read, remove):
 - one to lookup passwords in the password-storage.
 - one to generate a password for a given password label that the user inputs.
 - one to delete a stored password for a given password label that the user inputs.
 All those prompts benefit from the completion system provided by the module <XMonad.Prompt>.
 The password store is setuped through an environment variable PASSWORD_STORE_DIR.
 If this is set, use the content of the variable.
 Otherwise, the password store is located on user's home @$HOME\/.password-store at .
 - The password storage implementation is <http://git.zx2c4.com/password-store the password-store cli>.
 - Inspired from <http://babushk.in/posts/combining-xmonad-and-pass.html>

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