[xmonad] Issue 580 in xmonad: WIndows using OpenGL don't resize properly when partially offscreen

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Thu Nov 6 00:20:24 UTC 2014

Comment #2 on issue 580 by allber... at gmail.com: WIndows using OpenGL don't  
resize properly when partially offscreen

Window contents, including redrawing, is not under the control of the  
window manager. When the window is resized, the X server sends Expose  
events... but I admit I do not know how this is reflected to OpenGL  
programs, which do not talk to the X server directly. In any case, it is  
more or less xorg driver <-> X server (Mesa component in the case of  
OpenGL) <-> program, with the window manager only involved in the  
interaction with the user during the resize.

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